1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
@michaelnity - Hades II 未上市推坑圖串(?) 先不論正牌主角Melinoë ,噩...WTH the characters in the game look way too good man!!! I've been kinda into Hades since the first one released, but it's never been my type of game. Now I'm seriously tempted bc I'm such a mythology nerd
1 months ago
說自己是民主捍衛者?中國大使被台灣學生無情打臉;哈佛高材生為什麼走上反共之路?台裔美國喜劇藝人被台灣堂哥問會不會回台參戰,藝人的回答讓全場笑翻 (中文字幕)InstagramSuch a respectful young lady. I posted these vids together, but I mean to shame nobody. Just got me thinking, am I brave enough to speak up n fight for my people when things go down?
1 months ago
I'm so exhausted and stressed out right now that I feel like I'm half-dreaming while awake. I keep hearing sounds that come from dreaming in my head (definitely not a lovely or pleasant kind of sound), almost like an auditory hallucination. It's creepy and fascinating at the same time.