King of Games
5 months ago
Character ages is fine but I realized a few days ago that I've been playing as Imbros for ten years this year and that's way more interesting.

So in no particular order of the characters I'm still actively playing:
latest #8
King of Games
5 months ago
I started playing as the Alcohol Demon 12 years ago.

Imbros my table top mindflayer character 10 years ago.

Kuai Liang (Sub-Zero) 6 years ago.

Angelo Genna 3 years ago.

Blas Cap has been 9 years

Kabal also 6 years ago.

Variks 7 years ago.
King of Games
5 months ago
my newest is Yufei which was a year in January.

Maximilien for 4 years

Deputy Pratt for 7 years.
King of Games
5 months ago
... I can't believe my longest running character is the Alcohol Demon.
King of Games
5 months ago
King of Games
5 months ago
tho if i still played Sniper that would be 13 years.
King of Games
5 months ago
my oldest (and first) would be Dr. Linda Friitawa from DC comics which was in 2009 so 15 years ago...
King of Games
5 months ago
as an asise if anyone knows this Tav they are delightful and I adore them: https://bakerstreet.drea...
King of Games
5 months ago
10 years of Imbros and this is the closest he's gotten to an existential crisis.
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