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latest #69
5 months ago
important q: for all the (physical) books do you read, what kind of bookmarks do you use? i have started a tiny collection.
big nui
5 months ago
i love the small magnet ones that hold onto a page
i'm lawful evil on this chart.
i like bookmarks as aesthetic options but i don't use them. i do use little sticky bits to flag certain pages occasionally.
but speaking of physical books i got an addition to my bookcases so tonight was spent making room for it and moving my shelves while watching saltburn
5 months ago
omg that chart
5 months ago
chaotic good me
it's happening!
big nui
5 months ago
5 months ago
memorizing the page number is a godlike gift
5 months ago
i am too adhd
5 months ago
also omg love it
tbf i often forget the page number… it's not a great system.
anyway bookshelf is fully installed.
big nui
5 months ago
oh it looks great.
big nui
5 months ago
i see abigail gazing upon it
i am gonna put my us history books on it and also i drilled a hole in the back so i could stick a power cord in the lower shelves… i think that's where i'm gonna keep my tablet/ereader when not using.
and yes i did try to angle the picture so abigail was visible
also: i bought a kitchenaid mixer! i made a deal with myself that i could get one if they went under $250 with a sale.
i got a pink one for $243 and am excited to try some cookie recipes when it comes.
big nui
5 months ago
(save me cookies)
5 months ago
Oooh yay what a delightful thing to have.
spending the day doing errands mostly downtown. it's a big walking day for the first time since i sprained my ankle.
but it's going!!
also i forgot i made a hair appointment for friday.
also from walking back to my apartment i learned a new fancy pantry store is opening down my street. and they apparently have a section for japanese snacks 👀
5 months ago
royal milk tea!!!
cat lady
5 months ago
ooh, a good selection of snacks and some pantry basics.
5 months ago
these are very good pantry items
that's just one part of the store, the bigger part is a larger pantry store
slash olive oil importer
my coworkers make fun of me because i am apparently v picky about how i make pasta, but you cannot argue with the results.
anyway for an actual update i've been slowly chipping away at the mess i've made of my apartment and it's really coming along, which feels like a massive relief, tbh.
there's still some projects left to go— i need to reorganize my closet space. there are still some things to put away.
5 months ago
abigail ♥️
what is she doing??
she was just laying like that.
anyway i am in the theater to see challengers.
it's hot outside and that has made me work particularly miserable. it was so busy yesterday and not in a "makes the time pass faster" way. i had to call 911! a bad scene.
plus my ankle was agony after 6hr of standing. but i have so much time off coming up... it's within my grasp.
saw challengers and it was very good but my first thought is that i want zendaya's clothes
i have gotten all my bags of clutter out of my living room
a cursed bird.
4 months ago
zendaya's wardrobe in this movie was so powerful
i found out jonathan anderson did the costumes and was like… yeah this tracks.
a cursed bird.
4 months ago
the dress she wore to the match just
i know it was so good.
put some books on the shelf.
oh i love yr cd player setup
i drilled a little hole in the back to make room for a plug.
today's project: putting new colors on my kitchen cabinets
my cat is meowing at me and i don't know why
meanwhile i did two things today: 1) got my car fixed (so now i don't need to jump start it everytime i want to go somewhere) and 2) went to ballet class for the first time after spraining my ankle.
𝔰𝔲𝔟 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔞
4 months ago @Edit 4 months ago
this was tricky to engineer, because i couldn't use my car to get to class.
honestly i have this whole week off and i planned to do a lot of things but it's turned to just catching up on errands… (and i also went into work on monday.)
a cursed bird.
4 months ago
a cursed bird.
4 months ago
time off spending time doing all teh things you usually can't get done
and i have to fly to california on friday for a family thing. which i am both looking forward to and dreading.
in the way of family things.
a cursed bird.
4 months ago
also very relatable
what if i saw furiosa tomorrow???
i can do this now that my car starts.
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