Friends, I won't promise anything anytime soon, but please tell me about your games
latest #70
I come from the dead because ive been thinking of RP a lot lately and i miss it but also
1) I cannot and will not promise to join any game any time soon because I'm still not in a good place to join a game or even think of RP, but I have no idea what games are out there anymore
2) I put a thing in EMP to put feelers out yesterday for possibilities, but most of these are tentative and not as likely for various reasons??
3) When I feel that I might be able to handle a game again, I'd definitely need something that's not fast paced and easy enough AC
4) Some of these options are tied to possibly dragging another person with me, but that highly depends on if they want to/can handle to as well. I havent actually asked them yet since this is all tentative of course, but shrug
who knows
my financial situation is /wavey hands/ getting better
question mark?
im doing better than I was a few months back at least but it's all still very shaky
Work continues to be really dodgy and honestly, I'm not so sure its "under control" yet
I am still interested in coming back to Song but I've been really thinking of trying Tsubaki somewhere again?
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
maybe bring Mirai to Song?
I mean, even if I could bring G'raha back, I dont think I'd want to without Ami having Maddie there anyway. (But completely understandable why she is not now)
i entertained maybe bringing him somewhere else but really the only thing id be interested in for sure is CRAU with his wife. But I also know how weird that would be, especially in a new game rofl. I could start fresh, but I also sort of want to try a different character instead
I am not under the illusion to think I could even manage a game right now, even if I miss it, so it might still be a few months until then
it's been a lot of touch and go to see how my finances are doing and if I can finally consider being stable
theres a few bills ive been ignoring for a long time because groceries/food > bills
id like to eat
i did pay off a 850 bill last week rofl because that was one that was over a few months (whoops), so I'm hoping to get the rest of them taken care off here soon and then id owe nothing past what new months bring rofl
id probably ease into psls and memes again (and actually respond to old ass replies left sitting in my inbox for so long im sorry) first
i put some stuff in initially in the post and then cleared it out because it became too bloated but basically I'm more interested in Tsubaki, Saikhanzaya & Mirai
2 months ago
I am in a game called 7Dead which is based on the 7 deadly sins.
Tsubaki Aoganei WoL
Obviously I'd need a place that accepts WoLs, but I know those are limited for good reason.

Saikhanzaya Kha Scion OC
I'd only really be interested in Zaya if I can drag Tarei with me. That highly depends on if both her & I can handle a game & like the premise. We'd also need a WoL friendly place because Zaya is not a WoL but
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
Odsetseg is. The only really specific special part to Zaya is the fact she has a clairvoyant Echo. One she can't control at will but shrug. Think FFXIII Focus visions lengths mostly.

Mirai Akarui Original/CRAU?
I'd more than likely bring her back to Song because I do miss it, but I'm not really sure. I can probably bring her anywhere else for the most
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
part these days. I may end up doing CRAU from Deerington or just maybe clean slate? It kind of depends on the game I suppose. Honestly? Deerington had a lot of good development, but it puts her in a completely different mindset that would alter how she'd otherwise react to stuff so idk.
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
oo! whats it about?
2 months ago
It's a game that's basically dictated by the emotions that characters display. So if characters that month go through and show x emotion, than the city changes around that. There are player plots beyond that which we are working into the game.
oh that sounds cool!
sort of like song but it actually impacts the city?
G'raha Tia CRAU
I sort of mentioned it already, but IK how weird it would be.... But I'd like to explore more of his CR with his wife in a game setting. I know I can always stick to PSLs if nothing else, but it's worth a shot maybe? But really, again, that would highly depend on whether or not Ami would be up for it & could manage it. And the game itself
I could start fresh with him because I do love him and miss him, but I think I'd rather try a new character instead? So now that I'm sort of thinking it through, he's probably not as likely TBH.
2 months ago
I’m glad to see you trying to come back! It’s good things are improving, I hope they continue to do so. /hugs!
yes! I miss RP
i just havent been able to think of it much sobs
im not out of the woods yet at all
but its improvement
2 months ago
I hope we can pick our thing back up eventually too! My life is slightly less chaotic now, the latter half of last year was a slog at work.
Alphinaud Leveilleur
He's kind of in the same boat as G'raha. I do miss playing him, but I'd rather play a newer character instead. His stipulation is really... I've wanted to play with Tarei's Alisaie in a game setting at some point, so really it would be dragging her with me. Which would be waves hands around the same problem as listed as before
yes id love that
I really like the psl
Yurick and him are very fun ;-;
i might try to at least get back to the PSLs and Memes that I owe people but
I've been trying to be steady about streaming again so there's also that to keep in mind that I would still maintain
Meteion & Misella
These two fall under, "man, I would love to try them in a game setting one day" category but have a few problems with that. The main problem is that I haven't been able to really voice test them much yet so they're sort of up in the air as "would be nice, but not as confident." That, and Misella I'd have to literally review Crestoria's
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
story again because it's been a long time since it closed down rofl. Maybe see if I can drag Gen with me to bully affectionately pester Aegis?? But all of this is very tentative really. It would also depend on whether or not Gen is up for it & capable etc. Like the others. But Honestly, she doesn't even have to be with Aegis.
I could CRAU if a game allowed it, sure.
because i miss waifu times ;-;
but i also realize the development theyve had in Song works for the game they were in but maybe not so much for a newer game??
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
Eos Azem
This would also need to allow Azem to be acceptable honestly? I think it would be fun to play around with the Azem side of the WoL, but between Tsubaki & Eos, I'd rather do Tsubaki. I do still want to voice test her yet sometime, but I can do PSLs and memes for that
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
Mikleo Possibly CRAU
I miss Mikleo all the time TBH. Especially after replaying the game with Tarei on stream recently. He's lower on the priority list because as much as I love & miss him, I'd probably be more interested in a newer character I haven't played a bit off already. I could start clean slate (maybe Epileo?), but I might also try to do
Soulgemmed CRAU because I really love his development there.
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
Another that came to mind is DVA, but honestly.... I'm not going to bother putting her on the list for now despite missing her. Her CRAU from Phantom Thieves International would be super fun to play with yet though. it's more AU than CRAU because... I didn't get to do as much as I wanted to there at the time. But the AU I had for her was really interesting.
I am now done spamming this with the options really, but yeah...
I just.... really want to come back, but will not even try to until I'm absolutely positive I can swing it
I might try to start getting back to my memes and psls that I owe in a bit. Maybe starting more to dip my toes back in as I feel like I'm caught up?
I am feeling like I'm in a better place now, but it's not perfect yet??
i have no idea what games there are anymore and what accepts what rofl
ill have to check out 7Dead
333 ♠
2 months ago
i'm also on an rp break right now but it's good to see you on plurk again!
my name is still from last halloween LOL
B'αjα Tια
2 months ago
I don't have any game recs but good to see you're doing better, even if it's just a bit
popping in in general is appreciated too
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