4 months ago
While in a bronchitis haze, I finally finished the last season of Riverdale. Weird to the end, Riverdale, I salute you. The fan service was nice though.
latest #9
4 months ago
Not gonna lie I support them ending with the foursome
4 months ago
I was good with it! lol.
4 months ago
I would have liked Reggie in there since they'd built that with archie in parrellel to betty/ronnie, but I was good with it. And they were actually pretty non-batshit in the last season.
I actually really enjoyed the finale. lol
4 months ago
cornyflake It was actually pretty sweet!
4 months ago
Ugh, bronchitis.
4 months ago
zandroid Yeah, we've all been passing it back and forth so I'm on my second round. This one is better than the first!
4 months ago
Sounds like when my mom and I were sick when I was a kid. One of us had bronchitis and the other had pneumonia. To this day, I don't remember who had what. Only that we broke the keyboard and flooded the upstairs bathroom.
4 months ago
ugh, that sounds miserable!
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