It is very dark out and the clouds are only getting closer, along with the lightning and thunder they bring.
latest #28
Is it bad that I kinda just want the power to go out so we can call it a day and go home?
The camera picks up light too well, it's much darker than that outside to the human eye right now.
It's just pouring down rain so hard.
2 months ago
Well my undercarriage is as clean as it's been in a long while!!!
It started flooding in the area so we got to go home. Good thing we did, I'm in a medium sized truck and I'm still surprised I made it out.
It was safe(r) once I hit a main road but the residential areas are all just...under water.
Time to blanket down at home and chill for the day.
Oof. Did nothing today but this last evening all I've wanted is to take a nap.
Oh. They gave us a flood warning last night and now I see why. The rain has resumed. It is pouring again.
don't float away
Does this mean you get another free day?
Well. I haven't asked yet because I'm still currently in bed chilling but... it's definitely been raining as much as it had yesterday morning and it rained a good portion of yesterday and-
Let's just say I'm in no hurry to get outside right now.
I live by the San Jacinto river, btw, hence the flood warning.
Last hurricane that stopped by did a number on the back end of town here... this is not a hurricane but it is a lot of water all at once for this area.
yes please don't get drowned
Last I checked I'm a strong swimmer!
All joking aside though, yeah, I'd rather just stay in my third floor apartment for the day.
I didn't realize it had already gotten that bad in close areas.
It's still raining. I am still at home.
Omg why is this nightbird so loud? It's driving me crazy.
Please just shut up so I can get back to sleep.
I foresee this Monday sucking by a lot. Getting to sleep is proving hard. Can I just...kill this nightbird. I hate it.
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