4 months ago
In today's weird social media adventures:

So apparently, of the few people I follow on Bsky, one of them's friends with the guy whose firm just bought The Onion.
4 months ago
"enjoy two degrees of separation from a major media executive" isn't how I thought Thursday would go now, if they could just get around to hiring Kevin Bacon, we'll be in business
4 months ago
Not like I know the guy personally or anything, but it's still weird as hell to see something come across your timeline from someone you regularly interact with going "hey so my buddy and his friends did that one thing everyone's drunkenly bullshitted at one point and bought a company for the lols"
4 months ago
It'd be like if one of you guys suddenly made a plurk like "everyone congratulate my friend, they just bought the Yankees"
Roll Fizzlebeef
4 months ago
At least it's very on-brand for the Onion?
4 months ago
Considering they named their firm as a reference to The Onion (the company name is "Global Tetrahedron"), it's definitely on-brand