2 months ago
[Family things]: So Alex is visiting this weekend for my dad's birthday which is very sweet of her
latest #13
2 months ago
But this is actually a story of being a mushed family
2 months ago
So I took Alex to the Taiwanese restaurant in town and I was speaking with the owner's sister cause they mildly know me
2 months ago
And I introduced Alex as 妹妹 to the owner's sister because, in part, I forgot how to say "step" but also like. We're close enough and we've talked about it before and when talking about each other we all kinda omit "step" unless we have to explain why there are 2 Alexes
2 months ago
BUT IN THIS CASE Alex had 0 clue what I was saying and just smiled and nervously laughed in the background as I chatted and got us food
2 months ago
So afterward, the owner's sister said "Oh, it's nice to meet your younger sister" in English
2 months ago
And Alex laughed because
2 months ago
TECHNICALLY we are both the eldest, but I am older than her so
2 months ago
She feels like she's the oldest and I feel like I'm the oldest and we both are and yet one of us sort of isn't
2 months ago
Because we definitely both have eldest daughter syndrome in our respective ways despite being such a hodgepodge family
2 months ago
Anyway, food was great, I just thought it was kinda funny since we are both and yet also not quite both the eldest despite our families becoming one and so intertwined with one another
2 months ago
We both have responsibilities unlike the other siblings as being the oldest but it tilts toward our specific parent's expectations
2 months ago
Even though I am still older by number it doesn't diminish the responsibilities/expectations we both have
2 months ago
It's hard to explain
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