Would anyone like to go in on their revenge for Collins anytime now that the flood is past? Rather, anyone interested in that?
latest #63
All down for him getting his just deserts.
Coach 👻Beard
2 months ago
If mine weren't wardens........
justghosts: The woes of being a warden and having to be Responsible... alas.
If there's anything they would like to do that would be less...obvious... a revenge, feel free to throw it out. :3
2 months ago
Look Blitz would straight up murder him if you really want
2 months ago
Then be like HE STARTED IT
If by ‘revenge’ you mean ‘talking about your feelings as they relate to your crimes, whether you want to or not’, I’m down
Twominsnotice: I mean, it wouldn't be very hard right now, Blitz..........
Also, and Blitz may or may not know if he read the network post, but every warden would know that Collins can't start it. Or end it.
magicom: Yes. Please talk to the angry, angry murder man who cannot murder anymore and force him to think about feelings that he refuses to admit that he has.
He’d love to and he hopes it hurts
Do u have a log?
2 months ago
HE DOES so yeah if you want Collins to get absolutely fucked up...
magicom: I have a log from during the time of the flood.... nothing after it.
Twominsnotice: I mean I have no objection, but I just want you oocly to know that Collins literally cannot fight back or hurt Blitz in any form or fashion.
Also that his warden will be immediately informed once Collins gets hurt.
(Oh, was that Blitz does know ahaha that's somehow even better because we love a purposeful asshole here. >:'D )
2 months ago
YEAH SO he read Saga's thing about "cannot harm anyone in any way except verbally" and so would be tempted to like. Test that.
2 months ago
He killed people without giving them a chance why should he get one
Do u want inbox then?
2 months ago
And honestly he won't care who knows.
2 months ago
Trevor won’t go for revenge but he might refuse to talk to Collins if that’s something? He’s kinda messed up at the moment and be a little “good job” out of the corner of his mouth at Blitz
2 months ago
bitter man is filled with bitterness news at 11
2 months ago
cannibalherpes: best warden
Everyone on board just congratulates Blitz...
magicom: Sure thing! Whichever you prefer! He's got childhood stuff in the flood to use against him if Malcolm wants extra fuel for the fire, but I'm good with an inbox convo. c:
cannibalherpes: It would actually do something!
Collins would pretend otherwise, but Trevor definitely hit a spot on Collins's "kinda like that one" list of people so it would bother him beneath surface level.
2 months ago
Yeah he’s very “oh right I forgot everyone I meet is shit” with the one two punch of him and Richter both getting killed. That and having to scrub your own blood off the floor of your cabin can really curdle your heart
2 months ago
So he’s going to shut down Collins and start drinking to cope. Bro tends to be self destruction incarnate when he’s brooding
Ouch... poor, Trevor. At least those were during a flood? Not that that helps much with death. >.<
Who is not self destructive while brooding?
Yeah, Collins would take that with a heavy heart. Although he does understand. He's not a good guy and he knows it.
Gonna have to try something, Collins. Gonna be very lonely dead-life otherwise. You can be good.......... if he tries really hard, maybe.
2 months ago
Poor Collins. Trevor will get over his shit eventually, he just needs time and space to put himself back together again
cannibalherpes: you mind if I hit Trevor's inbox up with a few attempts to start a conversation? he'll just try a few times before giving up if that's cool with you. (tho if Trevor wants to shut him down immediately or at any point lmk which one strikes his fancy, kinda deal?)
2 months ago
Totally! Go for it
I did not see that, and I wasn't sure ... kinda... did the chain... orz.
2 months ago
Oh no worries! I saved it so I can add it to the end, the chain was lovely. :3
fjdkslfj th-thank you.
Do you want me to edit based on that response or anything?
He might have skipped a few or asked another question if he was shot down immediately.
I should have explained my intention better, sorry, I have thoughts on things and sometimes not all of the words make it out of my brain when conveying them.
2 months ago
Nah I'm good! No problem at all, I think this works out perfectly too
2 months ago
This way they get some time between them anyway so he'll be more amenable to talking
His last ditch effort... well, he may still have to go there... but his last ditch effort would be to leave a gift. XD
I am going to hit this up today when I have tag time this afternoon
Lady Stardust
2 months ago
Iris will confine herself to a hard look and a low growl when she’s near him
2 months ago
it's ok, Iris, Blitz did a murder :-) :-) :-)
Lady Stardust
2 months ago
Her growling is kind of intimidating because she’s a tiny friendly old lady but it’s a full on wolf growl
Lizblackdog: oh. lol. He remembers that sound from all his time spent as a wolf during breaches. That's disturbing.
I should really get some threads with Iris. I always look at her longingly.
He might actually like her.
Lady Stardust
2 months ago
She would normally like him but she’s annoyed about Maggie
2 months ago
aw, Iris
He hasn't managed to work out an apology yet, that's a long work in progress.
Maybe one day.
But he is...sort of...trying to be "like everyone else" in some attempt to look good for graduation
magicom: When is Malcolm messaging him exactly?
After he got killed
Okay good. Just checking because... well, reasons. lol.
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