bg3 | new containment plurk, i've entered act ii.
latest #47
karlach's commentary on gale is always very good. "do you think that's his grandpa? is gale's grandpa also a wizard?"
3 months ago
3 months ago
Karlach is just the best forever
i also like "i'll distract him, tell him i haven't read a book since elementary school" or whatever.
karlach is unfortunately the companion i have lowest approval with right now but i do have some infernal iron when we get to dammon again.
3 months ago
infernal iron goes a long way with karlach
mystery redhead
3 months ago
Karlach is perfect. I love her.
anyway, killed grym without using the forge.
lae'zel doesn't seem to remember she rejected vlaakith. she is complaining she wanted to go to the crèche and now we have to go to moonrise towers instead.
hopefully, minthara is there and i can recruit her.
3 months ago
I mean, if you haven't gone to the creche, it's a good idea.
i have very much gone to the crèche and killed everyone there except the guy in the hatchery because he seems cool.
𝔰𝔲𝔟 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔞
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
and lae'zel was there! perhaps she has just trauma blocked this memory out.
oh, and i had to do the inquisitor fight twice because the merchant didn't drop the gloves of dexterity that i wanted, so i had to reload, steal those, and then do that whole bit again.
Prof. Meowmers
3 months ago
Karlach is wonderful
3 months ago
I think they're just supposed to say some things at particular times. Or occasionally conversations glitch.
i am pretty sure that's what it is. the quest log is accurate anyway.
anyway i think i am locked into astarion's romance at this point so hopefully i don't fuck it up.
well, i guess i could probably have halsin still.
mystery redhead
3 months ago
There is always Halsin lmao
lest we forget, the horniest character
i haven't used any tadpoles thus far but i think i might give some to astarion.
honestly even though i upped the difficulty to tactician this run has been easier, i haven't missed the powers.
Prof. Meowmers
3 months ago
Astarion is the one character that wants the tadpoles at least
yeah that's why i would give them to him tbh.
Prof. Meowmers
3 months ago
i don't use many of the powers, but i really like the "auto kill someone when their hp is lower than the amount of tadpole unlocks you do", so I fill out as much as i can
i got minthara!!!
also feel like the durge content is stepping up now that i'm in act 2.
i'm an oath of devotion paladin but i picked that knowing i might go oathbreaker at some point, but it hasn't happened yet.
have fun! Act 2 is my fave tbh
mine too maybe.
we'll see if i feel the same way after the shar trials.
i am going to steal everything from the moonrise traders. i won't steal from the good guy merchants but the zhentarim are fair game.
3 months ago
oathbreaker is a lot of fun ngl
minthara doesn't speak much, does she?? my friend told me she would bully gale and i was all for that.
anyway i never did the morgue my last playthrough… a whole new area.
well i did the "defend the portal" part of the halsin quest and it was trickier than i remember last time, mostly because the dead harpers kept attacking the portal at range from behind my wall of fire.
anyway i fixed it by having astarion start away from the rest of my party, so that he could shank them after i set up the wall of fire.
can't believe i contemplated doing this fight without gale
update: broke my oath being mean to the spirit of the waitress who accidentally betrayed her friends. good character building moment. will my durge learn not to hate themselves so much from this?? probably not.
next up: i must finish breaking out the gnomes, then gauntlet of shar. trying to decide who to take there.
shadowheart and astarion for quest reasons, and ???
maybe halsin as i never used him last playthrough.
3 months ago
someone to handle all those assholes in the library fight
3 months ago
halsin is great to have as another tank healer
yeah i did one fight and halsin was mvp.
(besides abigail my co-pilot.)
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