During Italian Renaissance, it was prohibited for unmarried girls to walk through tuberose gardens for their bewitching and erotic power, so they wouldn’t sink into the intoxicating scents of the flowers and men maddened by the bewitching smells. 所以就像GARNET是沒藥,NERO是乳香 瑪麗安就決定是月下香ㄌ(哦
雖然樂園企不是維多利亞時期但窩也看到ㄌ這ㄍ In Europe, tuberoses became especially popular in the Victorian era of England. The flower was prized for its fragrance and was used in funerals. It's possible that the association with death led to a decline in popularity of tuberose. Too bad since they're really beautiful and smell so nice. VIAThe History Of Tuberose Flowers
最終他撿起老本行,熟練地說出了那段以「我予你安息」開頭,由「為了你的安寧我將我的靈魂典當」結尾的禱詞,這才斬下娼妓的頭顱。 “I give easement and rest now to thee, dear man. Come not down the lanes or in our meadows. And for thy peace I pawn my own soul. Amen 出自搜食罪者看到ㄉblog或者其他什麼 窩不知道 窩不會翻譯 窩ㄉ英文好爛 謝謝google大神(
只餘一節沁著香氣的手骨躺在原地,像是開春便怒放爭豔的第一朵花,女人眼裡分明帶著對衰草枯楊的懼怕,卻故作含情脈脈對他說著請來吻我的樣子浮現在眼前,安斯艾爾想了想,最終將唇輕輕落在了蒼白冰冷的指骨上。 一樣是In delay there lies no plenty, Then come kiss me ,sweet and twenty, Youth's a stuff that will not endure. 出自莎士比亞 請來吻我,衰草枯楊,青春易過這句真ㄉ被翻譯ㄉ好美