Due to this misunderstanding we have only charged you US $ 21.00 for our processing services. We have only captured US $ 21.00 from the original amount that your bank authorized when you made your order.
The price for your travel authorization of US $ 21.00 is now the exact amount you have been charged.
The charge may take a few business days to update on your card/bank statement, when you will see the original authorization removed and replaced with the US $ 21.00 charge.
於是我把底下那幾個連結都點開,在Terms & Conditions裡面才找到他寫著:Before you start an ESTA application we will clearly show what the cost of our service will be. All individual USA ESTA applications processed are charged at USD $ 97.00 each, which includes tax and the US government mandatory fee of $ 21.00.
There are no other fees charged. By completing the steps and clicking on the pay button, you are explicitly agreeing to the fee charged by our company.