Interview with Mads Langer - Divine Magazine“I think I would tell myself that I should always trust my gut feeling. It might not from an objective truth always be the right thing but since I was introduced to the music industry as a really young person, I found it really difficult to stay true to myself in the beginning of my career-
sunyia: 是喔 以前我都暱稱他我的丹麥小王子,在我大學最低潮時是他的同名專輯拯救了我。上面那首 Remain of You 就收錄在同名專輯中。後來他被 Sony 簽下以後風格跟我越離越遠,變得很久才會稍微回頭看一下他有什麼新作品(然後通常聽完又會失望)Mads Langer 747 是瑞典樂團 Kent 的歌沒錯喔!也是我大學時期的愛團,不過後來他們解散了。他們的歌也是我一個字都聽不懂但就是好愛~ 雖然有幾張為了回應國際歌迷美國市場有全專翻譯成英文版,但個人還是更喜歡瑞典文版,比較有味道 Kungen är dödThe King Is Dead