Becca Stareyes
5 months ago
We're only getting a deep partial here, but it's neat. Looking outside feels like I'm wearing sunglasses.
latest #12
5 months ago
This whole thing is so cool :-D
Becca Stareyes
5 months ago
Yeah. Still wish I'd traveled to totality, but my life has been too unsettled to make plans
5 months ago
It's starting a partial over where I am too!
Dad doesn't want to go out until it's 'time', though.
Becca Stareyes
5 months ago
Totality is quick, tell him to get outside well beforehand to see the effects.
Becca Stareyes
5 months ago
Official Astronomer Advice.
5 months ago
Seriously I have loved walking out and checking the different stages.
Becca Stareyes
5 months ago
Yeah, I can just see the Sun from my balcony. (It faces east, so later in the afternoon I woulodn't see anything.)
5 months ago
it was cool!
5 months ago
I wish I'd been in totality too
5 months ago
We had the same thing going on p much! Not full darkness at any point but the light def had that weird quality to it- the shadows were strange, kind of like double vision, and there was a ripple effect on the ground.
5 months ago
I think my fave part of the experience was just that there were a bunch of people outside gathering with friends and family to observe what was going on.
5 months ago
(I had brief conversations with two different strangers which, considering my usual levels of social anxiety, is impressive for me.)
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