3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Anyone interested in joining Fandom High - which is transitioning to Fandom University and has a thriving adult townie community... Applications for students and teachers are open here: Fandom High Applications
latest #6
3 months ago
Come play with my girls!
ooh I am curious. I'll have a look
3 months ago
I am curious too.
3 months ago
Oohh. Sounds interesting
3 months ago
You can only app students and teachers at certain times, but townies are open application. It's a fun group of people and there's no official AC. If you're a student you need to at minimum sign into two classes a week. Teacher's obviously need to post their class.Townies need a job they post once a week.
3 months ago
But there are lots of opportunities to play.
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