They are most definitely coming out with higher tier regions and the players clearly aren't where we need to be to do those regions lmao
This is kind of insane for a KR MMO
So we have some "guaranteed" enhancements and "guaranteed" roundabout ways to get good gear
But nothing for end-game items to eventually be guaranteed
You could be tapping a Labreska Helmet (BIS) for eternity and never get it to the next tier
The enhancement chance says 11% !! But you've tapped 37 times and that 11% feels like a LIE.
Speaking from personal experience, my helmet is indeed only "duo" and I have tried to get it to "tri" 37 times
Losing my literal mind over a helmet
I put the failstack from the helmet onto another piece of gear to build failstacks
Which is to say, To fail on purpose which increases your % chance of eventual success
So I moved it onto an item that has equally shitty odds but less expensive to repair when it fails and naturally it succeeded its enhancement chance
Which is bad because I lost the failstack and kinda good because EH. The gear is also really hard to get I shouldn't be angry
BUT now my helmet is back to .005% chance because yes, the enhancement I lost was like 300+ failstacks which ends up about 11%
Fingers are very very crossed that this releases and the expectations of how many fails isn't too ridiculous
I think it will depend on the item, some items are obviously more valuable and harder to tap so the guaranteed amount will just naturally be higher (I assume)
Like. If the guaranteed is after 50 attempts, FUCK IT, I'LL TAKE IT
Because it's a light at the end of the tunnel that we otherwise just don't have