3 months ago
[RL/Mute]: Hrmn mildly religious mentionings so also warning for that ??
latest #47
3 months ago
An uncle of mine, my late mother's eldest sister's husband, has offered me a job to teach English as a way to work toward licensure
3 months ago
But there's a few ..... big downsides
3 months ago
It's in Pennsylvania lol
3 months ago
I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST PA. Hello, whole family born and raised Philly
3 months ago
But I am just happy with being in VA again, tbh
3 months ago
But also the job itself iiiiiis
3 months ago
at a religious school
3 months ago
Of a religion I do not practice (but my uncle thinks I do because I am sweet and kind and obviously that means I must be good at said religion?)
3 months ago
But also this uncle iiiis
3 months ago
Ah. Well. Hmn. It's hard to explain. But I may hold a grudge
3 months ago
This uncle and aunt cut off their son, my cousin and godfather, because he came out as gay to them.
3 months ago
AND WHILE I HAVE NEVER CONFIRMED this with them directly, my uncle who passed over the summer (younger brother to said aunt, only brother to my mother) let it slip one time and it makes a lot of sense I don't think he was trying to stir drama from nothing
3 months ago
They have since reconciled with my cousin. He even attended the funeral of the uncle who spilled the beans. But I wasn't really able to talk with him. I was too shocked to see him
3 months ago
Before that funeral I hadn't seen him since I was about 8 or 9 years old. So a good quarter century of no contact
3 months ago
The woman was too stunned to speak.
3 months ago
Anyway, I bring this up because, while I am veery glad my aunt and uncle have tried to reconcile with my cousin because their health is failing and they are old and they wanted that peace FOR THEMSELVES before they die
3 months ago
I don't think I could work for a religious group that encouraged their initial actions in the first place
3 months ago
Oh, important side note
3 months ago
My uncle is a pastor at this religious school
3 months ago
He has a lot of .. sway on making a teaching position for me happen. It's very sweet of him. I can see him wanting what's best for me very much
unkie 🌚
3 months ago
3 months ago
lol uhuh...
unkie 🌚
3 months ago
even if it's coming from a place of good intentions i'd still be aaa at working at a religious school where i dont practice the religion and knowing how he treated his son
3 months ago
Yeah, I think that's kind of where I'm at
3 months ago
But I think I'll have to turn him down with "I'd rather be in VA right now"
unkie 🌚
3 months ago
3 months ago
Which isn't wrong, but it's not even scratching the truth as to why
unkie 🌚
3 months ago
3 months ago
Honestly, if it was at any other school I would probably consider
3 months ago
Because on the other hand, it's a good way to at least use that family connection to reconnect with my cousin
3 months ago
Ironic, really
3 months ago
But just the religion being what caused the disconnect in the first place, I just don't think I could do it. I'd be bitter and resentful
3 months ago
Which is kinda weird because, again, the initial cut off happened when I was smol and being smol I was never told why and he just disappeared from conversation and became taboo to mention
3 months ago
My mom said "he did something bad" I remember that when I asked about it
3 months ago
She was also very religious
3 months ago
The world has changed a lot though since she passed in 2003, I can't hold the glimpses of ignorance I witnessed as a kid against her
3 months ago
Also she dead so
3 months ago
But anyway, OOF. I feel like it's an opportunity missed because I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE MONEY but
3 months ago
I guess I'll stick to what I'm doing now
Cookie Politics
3 months ago
honestly, even without the religion thing, I would have personally skipped it because nepotism hires always spell trouble
3 months ago
Yeeeeeeeeaaaaah the potential for problems is high
Cookie Politics
3 months ago
if it was just a "the place I work has an opening" that would be one thing, even with the person being family, but if he has sway on the position existing and who fills it, that's giving me all sorts of red flags
3 months ago
From my understanding, they have a position for English opening up in the Fall so he was essentially offering to put my name into the list even though I don't have the qualifications (licensure) that they would want
3 months ago
I think because they aren't a public school it kind of bypasses the usual state requirements? I honestly don't really understand it
3 months ago
But I do agree, his position in relation to the school and the offer to push me through the process is concerning
Cookie Politics
3 months ago
yeah, if they don't get state funding or federal funding, then they don't have to meet the standers set by them, for better of worse
Cookie Politics
3 months ago
usually worse
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