Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference 哥倫比亞大學2024 Annual Columbia Graduate Student Conference on East Asia開始徵稿了,摘要截止日期是6/16,預計於今年10/18和10/19舉行。CFP目前還沒更新在網站上的樣子,看晚一點會不會更新。有需要細節的人也可以私噗,我可以轉傳訊息。 欸好像貼錯網站了。
"We find Jewish biological and medical scientists of the late nineteenth century forced to deal with what is for them the unstated central epistemological problem of late nineteenth-century biological science:
it is how one can be the potential subject of a scientific study at the same time that one has the role of the observer; how one could be the potential patient at the same moment one was supposed to be the physician."
Charcot和歇斯底里症的歷史。Charcot和他的實習生也研究男病患。當時相信壓迫女病患子宮可以抑制神經症狀,於是他們試圖在男性身上複製——壓迫男病患的睪丸。學者: " doctor discovered, perhaps not to our surprise, that squeezing the patient's testicles made the convulsions stronger." 救命XDDDDDD