bg3 | okay tell me your favorite act 1 items/equipment
latest #68
4 months ago
I don't know when the best stuff shows up but I do know not to sleep on the blacksmith's forge in the ruined village
4 months ago
shame you don't find enough mithril to do more than 2 weapons before act 2 tho
Prof. Meowmers
4 months ago
i used bow of the banshee in all the acts
4 months ago
harold the heavy crossbow
4 months ago
also all the lightning charge set gear
𝔰𝔲𝔟 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔞
4 months ago @Edit 4 months ago
last time the adamantine forge only let me make one thing!! even though i had plenty of stuff for more than that.
4 months ago
4 months ago
we did two, and then didn't find any more stuff
4 months ago
but Karlach had that sword for a looooong time
4 months ago
Ruined village has a grimoire that you can read that teaches you a spell in Act 3 and in Act 1 teaches you to speak to dead without a necklace on for it. You have to pass some will saves though.

Also the flaming sword from the cambion in the tutorial airship.
4 months ago
omg you beat the cambion??
i did (and the illithid) but you don't need to in order to get the sword
the sword is not that great though… like bonkers level 1-3 but the tyr sword is better.
anyway i am asking because i'm on my second playthrough and through the goblin camp and i want to collect all the items before leaving the act.
especially now that gale has been fully fed.
4 months ago
Absolute's Talisman saved my ass a NUMBER OF TIMES
and i just found a necklace that lets you cast guidance i have never had before.
4 months ago
die a lot? just let yourself get carved up by a cult u.u
i do have the absolute brand this time around, and volo eye.
my durge craves punishment, so…
gonna try to do the hag fight later on tonight and hoping the eye will help.
4 months ago
oh right the tyr sword. god I hate that guy and his mighty smite smash
definitely one of the hardest fights i had thusfar (until i switched it up and went in through the roof.)
4 months ago
Blood of lathander and dagger of the undermountain king obviously
4 months ago
And the grymforge armor+helm
4 months ago
You can make 2 of the same armor in the grymforge so I usually do 2 mediums
yeah i tried to make a heavy armor then switch out for medium but maybe two of the same is the way
just did auntie ethel last night, that fight was not as hard as i remembered it (probably because i knocked out the masks beforehand instead of sneaking past them.)
think i might go to the creche next?
get some nice gear there.
4 months ago
i'm doing that a LOT earlier next time i think
then head to the underdark? i'm level 5, and i remember the gith being tough.
but the gear is so nice.
4 months ago
Level 5 is good for crèche imo and you can skip most fights
4 months ago
Also you can get the blood of lathander before you talk to the inquisitor you can just go around him ftr
4 months ago
And buy the knife of the undermountain king or whatever from the dealer there
yeah i gotta make sure i have enough gold before heading up there because the gear. unless i crime it
4 months ago
I only crime if I can save scum bc I'm a coward
i'm playing tactician but not honor mode so scumming is a go.
𝔰𝔲𝔟 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔞
4 months ago @Edit 4 months ago
i also am afraid of the consequences of my actions.
4 months ago
4 months ago
oh also outside the creche is the lady with the cat's grace armor
4 months ago
egg lady
4 months ago
def crime that off her too it's way too expensive lol
3 months ago
oh i just straight up killed egg lady
3 months ago
i crimed it
3 months ago
Oh I didn't know this was for playthrough 2 lol. Yes Silver Sword of the Astral Plane is amazing if you can get it.
3 months ago
If you want to mess with the ...everything in Act 1 you can punch out Raph for the Helldusk Armor but if you've already met him I'm pretty sure it's too late to do that
3 months ago
...can you just. knock him unconscious and steal his clothes
3 months ago
because that would be so fucking funny
3 months ago
Yes but you have to sort of avoid his spawn points until you get to, I think, the Mountain Pass and he'll appear in your camp. Then you can stealth up to him and punch him unconscious and take his clothes. I do think this effectively sequence breaks a lot of the act so not something to do on the first playthrough
3 months ago
i have already met raphael so won't be stealing his clothes but it's funny to think about
3 months ago
haarlep have we got a story for YOU
my first time through i didn't do much crime but now that i'm trying it i have to say it really does pay.
stole a bunch of stuff from lady esther and the gith trader. and the blood of lathander :')
update: I cleared the crèche but the trader didn't drop the gloves of dexterity so I had to reload, steal them, and then beat up the inquisitor again.
the things we do for loot.
I'm at Grymforge now and I am about to hit level 7, but I'm pretty sure I was close to level 8 last playthrough so I'm wondering where the missed XP is.
I do have the owlbear cub this time so that's an improvement.
Prof. Meowmers
3 months ago
owlbear cub buddies, just got it too
so cute
Prof. Meowmers
3 months ago
I hope you talked to it because it's too cute
they're best friends!!
3 months ago
owlbear and Scratch chasinng each other is so cute
Prof. Meowmers
3 months ago
I haven't seen that yet
they just do it constantly in my playthrough now... hopeful for you to experience this
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