Leyton says
6 months ago
Sunset yesterday. https://images.plurk.com/42ImomOW53Y6k03jWW6U5g.jpg https://images.plurk.com/27zevanu8yOWBkLJD7WTM6.jpg
latest #6
6 months ago
so beautiful! I didn’t get outside in time to get a picture
Leyton says
6 months ago
Kimani: It was a weird/gorgeous one last night!
Leyton says
6 months ago
Kimani: https://images.plurk.com/6i81cyYPFxVi7ztmDqdCLm.jpg Started off like that!
6 months ago
LeytonForest: and I feel like it was gone so quick too! Might be my neighborhood 😂
Leyton says
6 months ago
Dakota Revolver
6 months ago
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