3 months ago
Catch-all Plurk
latest #9
3 months ago
Okay, since I lost all of my open thread tabs, first thing is please link me if I promised to tag anything and haven't yet, or if it's my turn somewhere important.
3 months ago
If you'd rather handwave something then that's fine too. I'll be slowly tagging, but still tagging.
3 months ago
In future apping plans, I may have a few for after I get my tags caught up on. I only have around 90 so it's not out of control.
3 months ago
I might be bringing in Bowser Jr as a CRAU, because who can't use more "small" children with Daddy issues around. The boy just wants a friend, his dad to be proud of him, and his chosen mama to love that so wrong?
3 months ago
I'm also still loosely toying with the idea of bringing in another changeling OC, this one very outgoing but suffering the crippling affliction of only being visible to people who can see ghosts or through fae magic.
3 months ago
Annnnd...that's it for possible apps for now.
3 months ago
tseutsumi: ty~
3 months ago
Also, if you would like to plot with me for post 4th-wall things I'm also open. Nine and Husk didn't get bites and I did the specific plans I had for Cole and Wukong, so it went pretty well. I just have like three threads left to poke for the event.
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