3 months ago
[RL/RP] So I know I'm already pretty slow on tags, but I'll be a bit slower except for a few threads here and there.
latest #21
3 months ago
I had a simple computer issue the other night that I couldn't locate online until follow all the other troubleshooting tips up to factory resetting.
3 months ago
3 months ago
So I'm still in the process of reclaiming ALL of my apps, settings, browser tabs and add-ons...and my threads I was stalking/hoarding to tag later.
3 months ago
3 months ago
ouch, I had to reinstall Windows 10 October 2022 - wasn't fun so I know the pain
3 months ago
It was a bigger pain because the problem was actually Windows changing my monitor settings and me using a monitor that can act as two for the first time...all I needed to do was unplug the second video cable.
3 months ago
But reinstalling Windows for any reason is a huge pain.
3 months ago
the reinstall ate my Sonic Adventure 1/2 save files on steam so oof to that
3 months ago
oh no if you need links to the threads we had going let me know
3 months ago
I also had managed to damage my admittedly very cheap desk while organizing yesterday, so I had to order a new one which should arrive between Friday and Monday, so I'll be semi-preparing my cramped workspace to Tetris my way through that.
3 months ago
On the bright side, I'm getting baby's first standing desk.
3 months ago
One of those ones that raises and lowers.
3 months ago
lenainverse: That was the source of my "Be warned" DM yesterday. I'll be making a plurk for links I'm missing next though!
standing desks slap tho
3 months ago
And lastly, my mom's oldest friends is coming for a final visit before moving out of state to a retirement community on Friday. So I have two days to get the living room decluttered and comfortably habitable for these two old ladies to have their final in-person chat.
3 months ago
elfwife: I'm excited for it. I wish my desk had waited until I got my SSI on the first though.
3 months ago
So TL;DR, I will be poking tags, I am not planning to drop anything off the top of my head unless someone else wants to, and I still love you all...but I have to go be an actual adult and I hate it.
no worries, take your time!
3 months ago
orrrrz. >.<
That's a headache.
3 months ago
I'll manage. It's not nearly as rough as last year so far at least.
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