3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
This sounds fun, so what would your characters do if they had full control of mine for 24 hours? Make or tell them to dao anything.
latest #16
3 months ago
Sonic drags Manic to the hair dresser we are doing SOMETHING about that pincushion -ass mess that are Manic's quills
3 months ago
Sonia will probably team up with him on that.
3 months ago
But good luck.
this answer would have been much more fun while they hated each other (LOL)
3 months ago
MK gets Monkey King a spa day. Time for you to relax, Wukong.
Shadow honestly isn't sure what to do with Manic so takes this chance to get to know him.
Lucifer totally has Husk crawl into his lap and let him pet him.
3 months ago
tseutsumi: Wukong is totally down for a spa day. Manic says hedgehog hangouts are always welcome. Husk hates everything about this.
3 months ago
lenainverse: Oh~?
3 months ago
Super waits out the 24 hours just making them do what the need to like eat meals ect (Super is boring sorry )
yeah, as things sit now there will be no torment and it'll probably be a Be Nice To Wukong Day
3 months ago
Both work out. Chill days are always good.
3 months ago
sanzang just wants to spend the whole day with wukong and hang out. maybe meditate together
3 months ago
(the sound of several people getting offended that sanzang's controlling him Again)
3 months ago
Spoiler: She's completely unaware of the controlling aspect.
husk lays on angel like a purring weighted blanket and let's him pet his tummy teehee
3 months ago
Husk is mildly offended...but fiiiiiiine.
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