3 months ago
Feeling a bit like a disorganized mess at the moment. Got several questions for setting up a DW account and how to get started as a whole. Also been feeling weird as my week has had so many ups and downs all over the place, so that isn't helping.
latest #108
3 months ago
I feel like when I get to the swing of things I'll understand, but it's always my biggest weakness to actually GET STARTED on something at that
3 months ago
First of all, can I do side blogs? Because that is really going to determine how often I will actually use DW
3 months ago
I really don't want to make multiple whole accounts with entire email addresses just to RP with
3 months ago
That's what made tumblr useful before
3 months ago
You just need one email! I just use one I have for gmail for multiple accounts on dreamwidth
3 months ago
3 months ago
I would link you this like tutorial guide for new players. this one is old but might still be useful for you as a new player to lj/dreamwidth rp?
3 months ago
also here idk if these might help??
3 months ago
But obviously if you have questions we can try help! I use filters so I know easily with email which characters a tag is for.
3 months ago
oh oh, I can offer a tip for easy email labels/filtering that I adore for my own purposes:

when signing up (or in the journal settings afterwards) if you put in your email as email+charactername@gmail instead of just email@gmail like normal? gmail actually ignores the plus sign and everything between it and the @ symbol, for purposes of delivery!
3 months ago
meaning, the +charactername still shows up in the to: field, so you can make a label for that character and base your filter on the +charactername requirement, to auto-label it. :-D
3 months ago
Made an account: how do I make side blogs?
3 months ago
nnnnot sure I'm familiar with what you mean, called by that term. (thinking) what exactly do you have in mind?
3 months ago
Side accounts??? With using the same email?
3 months ago
you can make as many DW accounts as you'd like, with the same email address, yes. :-D
3 months ago
just log out of the one you're currently on, and the DW main page will have the make-a-new-one link right there.
3 months ago
3 months ago
right, I was going to link you -- Chrome, FF...? what browser are you on?
3 months ago
3 months ago
one sec <3
3 months ago
Yeah you want lj juggler add on or whatever equivalent for your browser to easily sign into different accounts
3 months ago
there. :-D that extension is a lifesaver!
3 months ago
Got the extension, ye!
3 months ago
Nightsail: So wait, just make another account like the first?
3 months ago
you can effectively run multiple distinct instances of FF within one instance
3 months ago
yup. :-D
3 months ago
and each of those instances can be logged into different accounts
3 months ago
so you can even sidestep having to log in and out within the same browser, if you want to use the account containers thing.

like for me, if I weren't already sorted out in Chrome here, I could easily log in on FF with two containers: one logged in as Mallia, and another as Chell, and not have to deal with swapping between accounts at all.
3 months ago
so to elaborate on the multiple DW accounts thing:

Mallia is queen-butterfly.DW and Chell is elvendryad.DW (am writing it like that so Plurk doesn't just auto-handle it, lol) and if I wanted to go the LJ Juggler route, I could add them both and just log in and out easily, refresh the tab I want to reply in, etc....

but what I actually do in Chrome is more
3 months ago
akin to the multi-account thing: I just made a second Chrome profile and stay logged in as Chell on that one, and leave Mallia logged in on my main Chrome instance. so I have a window full of tabs for each, haha
3 months ago
(but also my own browser habits are abominable and you probably shouldn't follow my lead in all things. XD)
3 months ago
Funny how merely "Zeneth" wasn't taken, hahaha
3 months ago
oh wow, congrats!
3 months ago
I love getting the perfect username for a char.... XD
3 months ago
3 months ago
it's funny, because I'm so used to the names not even being available, I don't think I even check any more....
3 months ago
I'll probably really set things up later but at least the account exists now
3 months ago
very fair!
3 months ago
Like I said, I've been feeling strange as I've been having a feels rollercoaster lately
3 months ago
I'll be okay, it's just been emotionally crazy
3 months ago
3 months ago
....also, I should probably find caffeine again.
3 months ago
Eventually this idiot will be thrown into RPs, hahaha https://images.plurk.com/2ymzSJRlR0P120PKA6ISLC.png
3 months ago
3 months ago
oof, right, I should be working on icons for my idiots
3 months ago
the problem with OCs, man....
3 months ago
Been doing some icons for him, and Chicklet has given me icons as well
3 months ago
I went ahead and combed though volumes 2 and 3 for icons as well. 4 has a lot of Zeneth though, RIP https://images.plurk.com/5ddJYB70VxXBI8plfRbydW.png
3 months ago
Still though, what I got was great on their own, hehehe https://images.plurk.com/FGEccqxiTW68oDmTPUSRl.png
3 months ago
just keep in mind that free accounts only get 15 icons right off.
3 months ago
something I do is, I add keywords to what icons I may have as I decide on a need for particular expressions, so that I can start selecting those -- and then I replace them later with suitable icons,
3 months ago
I am aware and I've heard there is a way to get around that icon limit
3 months ago
yup yup. you can pay for more icon space, as one option.
3 months ago
I know there're other hacky ways, like putting the icons in the comments and stuff themselves....
3 months ago
Ye, that's what I meant. That would be a lot more useful with any expression changes too
3 months ago
I'm used to interspersing icons with messages since being on tumblr
3 months ago
yeah, but consider for your main lineup - if you figure out what icons you want to keep and pick from for the posts and comments themselves, you can actually move the keywords to new icons, and it'll all change retroactively as well. :-)
3 months ago
I mean, do icons within the comments too, sure, but.
3 months ago
Oh of course, ye
3 months ago
like, for Chell, for example... I stuck a placeholder icon in his account to start with.

so far, I've added keywords for "neutral", "small smile", "side-eyeing", "face meet palm", and "you're on thin ice" and such. but because all those are on the one placeholder icon, it doesn't look like it changes. but I still pick from the dropdown as if it does.
3 months ago
and the thing is, now that I've picked keywords for what icons I keep feeling like I'm going to end up using most, when I get some time to finally sit and do some art of him for icons, I'll know what icons to draw.

and then when I upload them, I'll be moving those keywords to the icons....

and then once I've done that, I can go back to old threads, and
3 months ago
they'll all be using the new icons, even the ones from months back. :-)
3 months ago
so entirely regardless of what you put in-comment and such, consider curating your dropdown official icons. ;-)
3 months ago
oh also, DW itself has an image-hosting function, though the UI for it is a little clunky still. so your extra icons can actually be stored in-account!
3 months ago
I'd rec considering using that instead of, say, imgur, for your inline icons.
3 months ago
Ye, that sounds perfect
3 months ago
hopefully imgur never pulls a Photobucket, but uh. you never know, right? best not to need to deal with that, imho
3 months ago
Ye, on site image hosting is very useful
Nightsail: do you have a version of that container for chrome?
3 months ago
I don't know of one offhand, no, SilverGrimalkin, and I apologize for that. but I can explain more about my multi-profile setup, if that would interest you?
3 months ago
but uh. I'll go looking. because honestly, it would interest me too, to have a containers setup for Chrome...
yes I would
3 months ago
...is that a yes to the profiles thing?
after I asked I continued reading and went... oh... I'm dumb
3 months ago
(I haven't acquired more caffeine. safest to just pretend I need things spelled out to me atm. XD)
yes please!
3 months ago
(...because it might not be pretend, lmfao)

okay, so
story of my life
might want to pp me
3 months ago
might help other people too, and it's not that big an explanation, I don't think?
unless Kaite20: wants their plurk hijacked?
oh OK. just making sure
3 months ago
but you know how Chrome wants you to sign in with gmail on it, and then your userpic appears up in the bar between your extension icons and the "..." menu icon?

if you hit your icon, in that popup, look at the bottom, and you can add another profile.

that's what I did, and made a second profile just for Chell.
oh wow! good thinking!
3 months ago
I changed its theme, to make it more visually distinct so I could tell who was logged in on that window at a glance, and then in that Chrome instance - it's effectively another Chrome setup entirely, new extensions and everything - I only use it for his DW login
3 months ago
I do all my surfing and wiki lookups and everything in my main profile, because that's the one with uBlock Origin and all my other extensions installed... but the big draw of doing it this way is, I can install separate userscripts in Tampermonkey in both Chrome profiles.
3 months ago
this appeals to me because I use a version of the DWTextAdder userscript that I customized to have my own html/css snippets in the dropdown... so for my main Chrome, where I'm logged in as Mallia, I have some custom-url bulletpoint things using purple gem-like dots, and in Chell's instance, I have green ones instead...
3 months ago
things like that :-D
3 months ago
that, and I find that when logging in and out with LJ Juggler, there's some (admittedly minor) annoyances with having to reload tabs to reply more easily, because I'm one of those terrible people who have 2343470923 windows open with as many tabs in each....
3 months ago
and if I were to jump between even just my two chars' logins whenever I replied to this thing or that, omfg do you know how many tabs I'd need to reload? no no no, I normally keep a dozen open, with half-written replies in each, and then go through and hit submit on each of them all at once so that my rp partners' devices lose their marbles all at once XD
3 months ago
Meanwhile, been chilling and playing some Revolt for muse content for now.
3 months ago
Culdcept Revolt rather.
3 months ago
so this way, I don't need to do anything differently. Chell's profile has one window open, with all his tabs for various threads... my main Chrome has one window open with just RP stuff for Mallia.... and I simply swap windows, and can tell who's logged in where by what Chrome theme it is. Chell's window is green, Mallia's is silvery/sky blue
3 months ago
Still keep finding new game chatter for him, hahaha
3 months ago
(on my other laptop, my main Chrome was logged in on a different account, so I did a new profile for Mallia, and had her window be purple, lol)
3 months ago
anyway, I hope that's a clear enough explanation? I didn't log in on my second profile in Chrome... not sure how that'd mess things up for it trying to sync things, lol
It's been so long since I've played I'm having a hard time getting used to things again too
3 months ago
I'll consider settings up tomorrow. Got a co-op stream with a friend not too long from now. Also, a member of the Culdcept server just bought the English Volumes 1-5, so that should help with getting it scanned and easily accessible for extra context for Volume 6 translation efforts going forward.
3 months ago
(Bleh, main obstacle will be getting my Journal set up...)
3 months ago
anything in particular you'd want, for setting it up more?
3 months ago
Well, advice on setting on a profile at least? I've seen someone do a bio graphic for their muse before
There are lots of comms that make fancy html for profiles and stuff. Honestly you can find some of the comms by googling "DW profile html"
3 months ago
....I mean, mine are pretty basic, but they definitely give a quick overview of the char in question, for those unfamiliar. I figured it was kinda mandatory for me since mine are OCs, but.
3 months ago
I also like to fill out an actual app as though they're being apped to a game, as a way of doing something more in-depth in case someone's curious. (but uh. two of mine are also in games, so they actually do have real apps, too....)
did any of the things I shared help?
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