Sean Gorham shares
6 months ago
Top Seven Lies About GazaMedhi Hasan ftw. ✊🏽🇵🇸
latest #13
6 months ago
There's nothing anyone can believe from Israel.
6 months ago
Yep, and I think the anglophone media know this but they willingly participate in the propaganda anyway. It’s vile. Also apparently any objection to massacring thousands of Palestinian kids is antisemitism.
6 months ago
(there are exceptionsNews)
Sean Gorham
6 months ago
I use Media Bias Fact Check since I've found it useful. Their take on Mondoweiss:

"Overall, we rate Mondoweiss as Left Biased and Questionable due to the blending of opinion with news, the promotion of pro-Palestinian and anti-zionist propaganda, occasional reliance on poor sources, and hate group designation by third-party pro-Israel advocates.
Sean Gorham
6 months ago
Not sure how I feel about that, considering MBFC seems to just accept the ADL's description of the site at face value,and the ADL, being very pro-Zionist, has al ot of their own problems. (thinking)
Sean Gorham
6 months ago
Anti-zionist != antisemitic.
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
"hate group designation by third-party pro-Israel advocates” seems like “water is wet” to me.
6 months ago
Also, famously, reality has a left wing bias.
Sean Gorham
6 months ago
I should hope so!
6 months ago
also also, if ‘occasional reliance on poor sources’ is damning, then the entire US ‘prestige’ media is going to Hell. (Looking at (not just) you, NYT).
Sean Gorham
6 months ago
Don’t get me started on the NYT’s press treatment of marginalized groups. Trans people, gay people, people of color...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I blocked Cajsa over her stance on Gaza. People who make excuses for apartheid don't deserve me.
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