cosmonautdelta Our thread(s) are the exception. I'm definitely still game for Yang and Blake's mirror adventure since we just started that thread and I can also back-tag any other thread they had because Beeeees.
alwaysterrible Do you mind if I drop Yang and Red Son's labyrinth thread? We can handwave them melting eating the landscape or whatever else you'd like for them before they got out of the room? ^^
baranohanabira Do you mind hand-waving the rest of Weiss and Yang's HMD/intro thread? I'm so sorry for not tagging that back but we can just assume Yang and Weiss worked their Round Two battle synergy on the snow angels and were triumphant? XD;
Also totally fine with hand-waving any other interactions Yang and Weiss would have had over the month/event if you'd like/there's something you wanted to have them do. ^^
clean slates are so fresh and nice, so yeah, I don't mind handwaving it at all (or anything ever, really) and lol idek i don't have anything specific in mind for what they would have been doing other than ofc hanging out etc XD
I reckon we can clean slate any of our threads other than the new one! the only other one we had going was the post-confession thread and that was largely just kissing lmao
cosmonautdelta Okay, sounds good. And ROFL, good point. Safe to assume there was embarassing amounts of a lot of Bee smooching at that sleepover after that confession. X3