[Movies] As a general warning to anyone interested in the Spaceman movie on Netflix now (with Adam Sandler) uhhh... CW for giant spider.
latest #7
The creature is a giant spider with tentacles pedipalps and tarsal claws like fingers. I kinda of like its design, but then I also like arachnids and tentacles. XD
Also I think it has a human-ish mouth but it's dark and hard to see, but it's definitely in a different spot and is shown moving as the creature speaks.
"The hot bean water, it is a sacred ritual." okay I laughed. It's coffee. It's talking about having coffee in the morning lol.
I can't agree, except it totally makes sense from a perspective of someone watching someone else who cannot operate without coffee in the morning.
Also the creature really like Hazelnut spread and it's cracking me up. It's adorable how it holds tightly to the container of it.
Okay two things: I have been emotionally compromised. Which is kinda the point of this movie. It's a slow drama which I am surprised to have watched all in one go.
And also: where is my emotional support spider? I want one.
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