march |
latest #57
new month, new me!! (not really.)
but one of my goals for march is to be more present around here.
i go through seasons where i just need to unplug from social media for a bit and i think i've been in one without necessarily noticing, but i also suspect i don't need that space anymore.
so small steps.
things i am excited about: i went to the fancy grocery store yesterday so i have new spices!!
current complaint: new neighbor moved in across the hallway and they play the trumpet for an hour last night starting at like 8:40.
who does this?? why??
in case the trumpet apocalypse comes, they're ready for it
big nui
6 months ago
doesn't your building have quiet time too??
big nui
6 months ago
i thought it was like quiet after 9 or smth
yes lol i am going to ask someone who works here to confirm because i think it might even be 8
i have a suspect and i really doubt he knows the trumpet playing is as loud as it is, but i feel the compromise is just "don't practice an instrument after 9pm"
looking especially round this morning
big nui
6 months ago
oh look at her, look at how round
impressive roundness from a highly soft creature
list of petty disappointments:
1) i have a pimple on my chin
2) i tried the new cardamom bun from trader joe's and it's mediocre
hopefully i just need to warm it up longer? will try tomorrow since i have two.
feeble scholar
6 months ago
oh super bummer about the roll
it's also a possibility that i am just spoiled by the cardamom rolls from my local bakery.
but these would be a nice alternative since they are much cheaper.
feeble scholar
6 months ago
hopefully warming it longer works
it was a bit better!
feeble scholar
6 months ago
fuck i forgot about daylight saving time.
i've felt terrible the past few days and i somewhat regret going in for a COVID booster when i already had mild food poisoning…
I got the new covid vax in January and I did flu at the same time, and I have not been so sick in 20 years. I mean, I had no sore throat or actual congestion, but I could barely walk across the room and popped a genuine fever.
So I think this particular one... yeah, depending what's going on with you, it can really knock you on your butt.
yeah, and i mean i am glad to get this booster and also i had to schedule some weeks in advance, but man did i sleep away half the day yesterday.
"why do i feel so ick?" indeed.
i am slowly feeling like more of a person.
well enough that typing that out made me question the construction of personhood, but, you know what i mean.
window cat.
it's free mlb tv day
i remain with t-mobile for this perk.
(cw: weight talk) apparently i lost 5 lbs last week which is further evidence i was sick.
𝔰𝔲𝔟 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔞
5 months ago @Edit 5 months ago
also i'm upset the dress i wanted at madewell is now back in stock after the 25% off everything is over.
big nui
5 months ago
yeah that's kinda garbo
i might get it still since payday is friday but i'm registering a complaint.
big nui
5 months ago
maybe they'll give you a nice coupon
big nui
5 months ago
because that is definitely garbo
i do have a credit i think.
oh that dress is so cute
celen i know. i have some white cat-eye sunglasses and it would just be a Look.
OH YEAH that would be. a+
flop era
𝔰𝔲𝔟 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔞
5 months ago @Edit 5 months ago
help i have new black jeans and a cream colored cat on my lap
beware the ides
5 months ago
you had black jeans
now you just have love
the kind of love that requires a strong lint roller.
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