Becca Stareyes
7 months ago BRing it, everyone!
latest #8
7 months ago
Tell me about the Shadow War from Babylon 5
Becca Stareyes
7 months ago
Well, I've seen up through Season 3 of Babylon 5 (I own Seasons 4 and 5, but I lost momentum the last time I watched them), so I know more than 'nothing', but...
Becca Stareyes
7 months ago
There are a bunch of Sufficiently Advanced Aliens in the B5 galaxy, and the Shadows are one, and they are the 'Social Darwinist for Dummies' sort who like to stir up conflict.
Becca Stareyes
7 months ago
So int he first few seasons, they are out doing that and being the scary thing that lives in space, until Babylon 5 crew and Minbari (who have fought the Shadows before) are all 'will you just go away' and trying to stop them.
7 months ago
4 is good. There are like 3 episodes in 5 that are worth watching
7 months ago
The Neil Gaiman one, and the last 2
Becca Stareyes
7 months ago
IIRC, the war wraps up in Season 4 because Season 5 was in the 'maybe it will, maybe it won't' so it feels a bit rushed. Sinclair goes back in time to be a Minbari prophet, and Sheridan nearly dies and tells all the older species to stop helicopter-parenting the younger species.
Math Mage
7 months ago
I concur with Peter Turbo
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