Helluva Bix
6 months ago
March plotting? But also some introspection
latest #22
Helluva Bix
6 months ago
I am, I think, at this point calling the event a bit of a wash. I have stared at the empty toplevel for a week and change and have had Nothing. I am going to figure that Blitzo twinned and then... Spent the time basically trying to off his twin.
Helluva Bix
6 months ago
I might be having a bit of Anxiety with him too
6 months ago
If you wanted to do a closed toplevel, I could make one for him and Red Son?
Helluva Bix
6 months ago
Maybe? I think some of my... Adjidah is that I know that whole... "No really Blitzo hates himself A Lot" very much needs a warning on it but I don't know which warnings to put on it??
I'm sorry, stuff happened in my life and i just couldn't get to it. ;; but March is hopefully gonna be better
Helluva Bix
6 months ago
Lol you're fine!! February was also like... Weirdly So Much
short month but everything crammed into it was terrible
Helluva Bix
6 months ago
This is way more me doing the... Okay I have a kinda Goal on an arc here but ho boy there's a not insignificant amount of razor wire death pits between here and there
Helluva Bix
6 months ago
I've also yet to hit the ability to consistently hit the Cruise Control ease of writing blitz lol, he's still New
Helluva Bix
6 months ago
alwaysterrible: honestly I will probably have one for Red Son for March with a "so my evil cake generated twin kept throwing fireballs at me, wtf Mr Fire Guy how do??"
6 months ago
How to make fireballs?
6 months ago
(Also I am canon familiar and also am ready for the self destructive hate on)
Helluva Bix
6 months ago
Yes, because that's not a thing how even??
6 months ago
Red Son: Did you drink a red potion when you got here?????
Helluva Bix
6 months ago
WTF does a red potion have to do eith- oh. Huh.
6 months ago
Red Son: ....we need some kind of pamphlet. Come on, fire training now
6 months ago
Red Son trains Blitz in fire power and training Stolas in how to cook
6 months ago
I kinda missed the event but then even if stuff hadn't happened I kinda like to keep to the regular setting for the first month and find my groove?
6 months ago
but I'd totes like to plot post-event stuff with you!
Helluva Bix
6 months ago
Yee! Honestly the post-event is probably more... Interactive? For lack of a better word in my brain
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