I am, I think, at this point calling the event a bit of a wash. I have stared at the empty toplevel for a week and change and have had Nothing. I am going to figure that Blitzo twinned and then... Spent the time basically trying to off his twin.
Maybe? I think some of my... Adjidah is that I know that whole... "No really Blitzo hates himself A Lot" very much needs a warning on it but I don't know which warnings to put on it??
This is way more me doing the... Okay I have a kinda Goal on an arc here but ho boy there's a not insignificant amount of razor wire death pits between here and there
alwaysterrible: honestly I will probably have one for Red Son for March with a "so my evil cake generated twin kept throwing fireballs at me, wtf Mr Fire Guy how do??"