smurf gerutu
6 months ago
Katanya, direktur gue berpesan: kalo mau dapet nilai performance bagus musti ngelead project lintas team
latest #6
smurf gerutu
6 months ago
Padahal selama ini gue merasa bikin improvement yang gede di tim. Dr upskilling anak2, lengkapin tools and equipment, improving teamwork. Karena tim ini relatif baru.
smurf gerutu
6 months ago
But no, musti banget project lintas departemen.
smurf gerutu
6 months ago
Well that's easy
smurf gerutu
6 months ago
Saya paham arahan nya Pak. Tapi kalau saya fokus ke project2 lain, siapa yang akan ngurusin tim saya?
smurf gerutu
6 months ago
Im not a sucker for performance points anyway
smurf gerutu
6 months ago
Case closed
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