[AtLA: Netflix] Commentary.
latest #37
First episode: LOOKING GOOD.
They went all out and it shows. I'm impressed so far. We'll see how long that lasts, but yeah, the first episode definitely grabbed my attention and held it. It looks nice, it's following well and still throwing a few of its own realistic makes to it.
vex appeal
8 months ago
I've been wondering if it's worth checking out :x
Gives us the history at the beginning and I'm not upset with that, it works well for the attention grabbing in the first episode instead of it being boring or anything.
It's got EMOTION in it, too.
I'll keep watching and writing down more tomorrow, but all I've got brain for rn is this one episode. Tired.
Okay actually I made it through the second episode and yeah I'm still enjoying it.
God, the costumes are gorgeous. I'm surprised by how much I like the acting. It's going pretty well so far.
Although it has been ages since I last watched through the original show. So others may have a different view on some things.
There's some condensing ofc but I haven't been set off by any pacing issues yet.
I'm on episode three, we've entered Omashu the Earth Kingdom city.
Prince Zuko and Uncle Iroh's backstory scenes. wehh ;a;
Gave me massive feels just now.
Ugh, good episode. All the points coming together. Love, kindness, friendship, all important and teaching a lesson. Not just Aang and his friends, but Zuko and his importance to Iroh and their bond. And Sokka and Katara's sibling love.
I loved that Iroh meant more to Zuko than the Avatar. I loved Sokka and Katara getting their feelings out in the tunnels. Those were my favorite focuses of the episode.
Especially the former. jfc all the flashbacks of Zuko and Iroh are killing me (in a good way). Iroh said the line towards the beginning about "owing Zuko more than [he] could ever repay" and then the rest of the episode has just shown us how and why their bond is so important on both sides. ;a;
I don't remember getting this emotional from the original!! lmao.
But that's probably just because it was so long ago.
There is still comedy to be found here, too, so it's not all drama emotions lol but. yeah.
Anyway, four episodes in and I'm still enjoying the hell out of this.
imo it's well written, it's definitely well acted, and I enjoy all the martial arts. The bending looks really good, they spent enough money and care on it to make it work imo. The fight with Zuko and Aang in Omashu was neat, well choreographed I think, and I liked it. So yeah.
I'm liking it. Dunno other's opinions, but. c:
OH and don't get me started on the costumes.
They put SO MUCH work into them.
Not only do they look appropriate to the original show and the different Nations plus environment, but holy hell did they put so much detail in them.
Like, Katara's outfit has this beautiful water pattern and it is just gorgeous. You know that's handsewn to perfection. And Sokka has this nice combo of the pleasant water theme and some light armor. Plus both of them have all these little details like the jewelry they wear and stuff. Just. Ahh. So good.
Zuko: "When have I ever caused trouble?"
Iroh: "When, indeed."
First shot of June and Nyla!! Such a pretty pair. June is gorgeous, ofc, and her mount is one of my favorite fantasy animals. Mostly because I like badass creatures keke.
Very nice. It's really neat seeing the fantasy animals in this world. They're not too badly made, too.
Speaking of fantasy creatures hello gorgeous owl spirit of knowledge!!! I love owls. He is a beautiful bird-spirit.
THE PRETTY FOX. talking to Sokka. hehe.
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