Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
I am starting Jojolion! So let's liveplurk it, what the heck
latest #160
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/4oYswr3s9j7dGJvRu63Xjk.png starting with the oraoraora underclothes
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
they really jump out lmfao
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
let me lay it on the line, he had two on the vine. I mean two sets of testicles, so divine. ate opponent's brains and invented cocaine. he's coming he's coming he's coming
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
oh gappy has the REAL autism huh
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
me: SBR is NC-17
jojolion: hold my beer
4 months ago
welcome to yasuho keeps having a bad time forever,
g α ℓ є
4 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
Oh no.... The pink ladies can't catch a break
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
I finished reading SBR earlier today and Lucy truly Endured
4 months ago
its wild not even being the jobro frees her from this curse
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/53YC8lDMEQ9vaw7ygpwoIb.png Kira's nonsequiter hatred of surfers???
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
although I definitely hate this particular one
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4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/37qmZcoYeaycYtaRqZ6zvA.png looks like our protagonist is a ball burglar
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
this guy really did get to be named after the dog.... Josuke....
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
very well. I expect the petplay content on my desk by monday
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4 months ago
(this is a joke)
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
reading Jojolion and saying "boy, that doesn't seem right" about every 5 minutes
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/2X8eIfjyq3baZSTwJRtUWc.png I wonder if Araki is even capable of designing a girl without a pink color palette anymore?
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
there are a lot of them lately!
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
I guess Hato isn't pink though
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
what the hell is Daiya's problem omg
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/45GJATRZVmdlUevSD01mKq.png seams...
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/NszFqgEEKH69gQX3rn69l.png this tree... since it was at Joshu's house, I thought all those markings on it were gonna be Joshu marking it for Yasuho
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
He didn't simp hard enough smh
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
I'm disappointed in him
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
.... but if this is Joshu randomly molesting her in the pit I shall regret my words and my deeds
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
that person who was in there was NOT this toddler
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
so we are just gonna ignore that huh
4 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
wow this chapter is just the worst :'D
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/1VPAz7RMK9QbhoLV2nLECR.png the undershirt....
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
aww, was Tsurugi luring Yasuho away from his murder attempt on Josuke. I guess that...... slightly makes up for his weirdness at her
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
Joshu is on cracking ice though
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
I'm glad Josuke doesn't trust the dad, I don't trust him either
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
I'm also just kind of ??? at them raising the boys as girls until 12 to ward the curse... if they all are already talking about age 10 as the definitive age this happens then why do they continue the tradition as if they have any hope it will at least put it off until 12 or 13 or whatever
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
I guess traditions are just like that lol
4 months ago
tsurugi at least is a tragic case of Kids Dont Understand Consequences
4 months ago
joshu gets zero passes
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
local sailor boi attempts to waterboard man, accidental homicide
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
he got really extra with it
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
he is shaking hands with Joseph finding out about the pillar men https://images.plurk.com/1a0nJagIa6KAc46blFXXJD.png
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
JOSUKE YOU DOPE... you saw the funky fruit and you just let it go LOL if I was Tsurugi I'd kill you in your sleep
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
and yasuho just has some for some reason
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
it kinda looks like dragonfruit
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
turns out to break the curse you just needed to go to vietnam
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/3jXN178ggudpzCUX056UmF.png are they pillar men descendents tho... Many questions
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
King Nothing really is an apt title for such a nothing stand that Norisuke has though
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
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4 months ago
Get a dog
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
ok thank god it can actually do something more than just "tracking scents" lmfao
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
THE STINK EYE THEY GAVE THIS KID https://images.plurk.com/1EUfemdYw6I4BmJQOxGTnV.png
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/4fUdXoSrFoxudQfvC3zTol.png send this to one of those anime food youtube channels
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
everyone is saved
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
god damn it Jobin you bought the wrong fruit
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
wait that's not even a fruit it's a bug
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/6dYhvG2oeaWNqkHGFUlEHa.png very specific denial
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
my suspicions compound. Has Tsurugi witnessed another parent beating their kids
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
I still want to know where Daiya's desperation for love came from. jiiiiiii at Norisuke and Mitsuba
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
someone buy Jobin a copy of Pokemon
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
is it bad that when it looked like Josuke's beetle was gonna get decapitated, my first thought was "Well, that's ONE way to take care of your problem of not wanting to raise this"
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
Jobin is such as silly guy... I like him
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
shame about the animal cruelty tho
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
but it would be silly of me to draw the line there considering my other faves
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/7dwxZChVevfJtfTLN62c0t.png the rock humans really are like the diet coke of pillar men
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
Aisho seems like a good guy, too bad he is hung up on Yotsuyu The Molester
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
araki you have GOT to stop sexualizing Yasuho and Tsurugi's dynamic
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
its so gross on so many levels
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
oooh. https://images.plurk.com/C5K5G7PI7AcAcMcvj1WTQ.png .... the mesh used to be the only thing he wore lmfao
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
lol this panel pointing out that dogs don't take interest in rock human scents for people like me who think Norisuke is useless https://images.plurk.com/6Jv8UmUlP2WOo4sHfryhro.png
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
ALL ROCK HUMANS ARE ALLERGIC TO MANGOS.... lmfao I wonder what symptoms they have. Can you kill them with one
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
If they never do that despite working in a fruit shop I'm going to be disappointed
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
I think Norisuke should kill a rock human totally on accident after making a mango parfait
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/5jQQ51fnWqcNIKjyN5ahzu.png Yukako's counterpart is great. I love her and this should be a reaction image
4 months ago
slides in like Yeah rock people are just revamped pillarmen fjfhdhdhd
less godly more peopley
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
They're just cryptids. It's cool
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/6OyRlZdXcWCScXi7Cqo4mJ.png no fuckin way
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/2cWk3aQb9WjjCjRXMWnb06.png helloooooooo
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
did Joshu reblog one of those tumblr posts like the money cat
4 months ago
more like ona them 'send this to ten people or u die' mails-
4 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
It's so much
4 months ago
honestly all of AU Kira is '!!!!'
i love him,
i love both these boys,
they made such a weird lad,
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
What confuses me is, did the surfer dude plant ALL of the serial killer like stuff in Kira's room, or does he still collect his nails and have hand paraphernalia? Everyone just said that Kira himself had beautiful hands lol and also the photos were the only thing that don't match Kira's MO so I was surprised there was so much in there that did
4 months ago
which is actually very funny, like
4 months ago
the implications that if kira had holly for a mom he'd be That Way but at least not a serial murderer,
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
I mean I 100% believe that ... Araki said he originally gave Kira an abusiveom and then took it out bc he didn't want him to be too sympathetic, but I feel that he still left all of the symptoms in, so when I rp him I include it to my personal hc
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
*abusive mom
4 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
3 months ago
not Joshu sexually harrassing his mom. I'm so tired
Heart Attack 💘
3 months ago
why are so many higashikatas so incestual
Heart Attack 💘
3 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/4U5FVZV4k08L4NpbiOyAma.png Jobin continues to be just the funniest guy though
Heart Attack 💘
3 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/5ZjlzEEv2GOkBGdxo9ZRNC.png https://images.plurk.com/l1oKd80LUUpRxzqvltX3a.png oooomg this part slaps
Heart Attack 💘
3 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/7eiOCilXnuvJrs5KTrc8x6.png this guy kinda rules too
Heart Attack 💘
3 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/5eeiJzwsaITnOS7Dy1asEZ.png https://images.plurk.com/1IVmsKGfO3Njc199N1jrHy.png legitimately just saving his meringue recipe
Heart Attack 💘
3 months ago
does living on a ski lift make him the counterpart to the pylon guy in part 4
Heart Attack 💘
3 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/3Vd8VlkZLiy7XactQuyQKt.png strawb
Heart Attack 💘
3 months ago
Rai's stand is kind of Stone Free adjacent
Heart Attack 💘
3 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/2VI5ypU8zeD8auNAt8cmTm.png ALSO STONE FREE?
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/4lPOXIjYIHd0KXa0wZiz1Z.png funni rai doodle
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/13ppL7naBsaA3Edts3rdsi.png always save rock human bio just in case
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
"in case of what?" in case.
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
thats romance baybee
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/5ervOgWqxDOMTCYawtacUC.png what is with this guy
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
ah, reusing this part of stocean https://images.plurk.com/4UmHkE1j6xUCEk0YEMvZLE.png
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
then again this was in SDC too lol
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
Jobin and Mitsuba... stone cold
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
Caato continues to be THE coolest
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
Well almost all of my favorites are dead now. I would say all but Lucy is here for some reason
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
Even more of my favorites are dead now. I would say all but Joseph Joestar is here for some reason
Be Maki-Mine🌈
1 months ago
I was going to reply to this like "old Joseph??? No. Old Lucy" but also old Joseph now. Ok
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/4oETPYqxLLFenFheLPojU6.png nope. Random Morioh AU Joseph
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
I barely know him but I had to say it for the bit
Be Maki-Mine🌈
1 months ago
Rina??? Help the layers of this
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
Anyway.... it's over now! Huh
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
I'm a little confused by all the stuff that happened after they beat the big bad and whether it's supposed to mean anything, but it's probably just there to be spooky. And maybe they'll bring rock organisms back. Honestly I would have preferred to go into this unspoiled on who the bad guy was maybe
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
But I've seen him pop up in a lot of All Jojo Villain Polls or whatever
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
They were trying to be a little subtle about him in the story which is kind of rare for a Jojo villain
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
Maybe it would be obvious anyway since they introduced him SO late, but
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
I dont know I respect the effort LOL
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
But I like how Gappy couldn't attack without Yasuho's help and they let Caato of all people finish him off. I did not see that coming and I loved it lol
Be Maki-Mine🌈
1 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
homestuck is back (her stand is basically sylladex)
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
https://64.media.tumblr.com/644c4f9dbe4fce5f05c784b01c6ff39f/9bd3bff219a33ece-d9/s1280x1920/b1a3fefbf66748f3f319ceffb7c52cd5c88d456e.jpg jobin
1 months ago
If they had introduced our villain Much earlier and let him just cook in the BG man
1 months ago

It felt obvious that it was him but that was only because there was no more competition for him at that point yknow?
1 months ago
anyway dream team for a necessary end blow had me like yesssssss
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
that was sooo good
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
but yeah he should have been cookin in the bg for sure
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
that would have been so interesting to see
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
I suspect his character was kind of asspulled at the exact moment araki realized he had to wrap it up with a big bad eventually
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
otherwise why would you not
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
but he still had a good concept, so I like him lol
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
anyway I'm excited to finish cause now I can read Jojolands
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
I can be caught up!
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
https://64.media.tumblr.com/fdc25572a7d04ed6bdf5a76f28b69f1f/924cfc9b17a7894d-8c/s540x810/49fe1455c90a6e4f87fce41aafba6e0fbcf41ba2.jpg he was in the flow of calamity
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/141qdt7xzYIJmvJsVu9P0Z.png you know, for a moment I wondered if this random ass completely unexplained molestation scene was actually Toru. But no... he has his blue suede shoes
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/65eQ3mbZHBVtk4Rr1iHB6x.png then again Yotsuyu who I assumed was the culprit doesn't exactly have the same kind of shoes either
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/6G5lN9TUnVdTLKaHVq5zAm.png https://images.plurk.com/1WEblsqIl6TuqFdL2aINDx.png https://images.plurk.com/7nqQswM7yVscAL16QUzUX8.png

hmm... Yotsuyu wears gloves and Toru doesn't ... maybe I was right?
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
It would at least make that crap make sense. And then I wouldn't have to judge Yotsuyu likers
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
(I don't actually judge people for their taste in characters but I certainly was a Yotsuyu hater based on this lol)
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
Then again I can't put it past a Jojo villian to be like that for no reason either
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
Yotsuyu certainly went on to attack her in a bunch of other ways too so .... mmmmm
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
Be Maki-Mine🌈
1 months ago
Wow it really was that fuckin bad
[Me desperately trying to find a silver lining] ear nibble...
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
Also this is more rock human biology but it is like actual comic pages so I'm just going to link the starting point cause it sure is a lot
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
tldr raised by wasps
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
or rather parasitize them. w/e
1 months ago
the rock human life cycle is So Wild
Heart Attack 💘
1 months ago
yeah this is the real reason why I'm saving all their info cause all of it is so weird lol
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