Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
[bg3] my roomie and I beat Cazador yesterday and the fight was so comedic
latest #8
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
I'm a spore druid and I brought my full entourage. he couldn't get fucking anywhere because the mob was on him and my earth elemental kept knocking him prone. onto the dryad's spikes. he was not on his feet the entire fight I think
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
^ Astarion
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
even his minions couldn't get anything done cause roomie's bard was counterspelling it all
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
Today's battle was goofy as well. We did rescuing Duke Ravengard from submarine jail
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
My Durge, panicking because we're running out of time and I'm not close enough to use dimension door: I am going to yeet him as far as I can with this scroll of telekinesis
Ulder, flying: AAAAAAAAAHH!!!
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
I thought he was going to break every bone in his body but he actually was totally fine cause I launched him directly into a cutscene
Heart Attack 💘
4 months ago
I continued the tradition from WCB
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