4 months ago
Would your character date mine...?
latest #13
garnet reaper ✦
4 months ago
nods with enthusiasm, as previously discussed
4 months ago
Well, they're holding hands so things bode well
4 months ago
lumieresdedragon any attempts to rizz her up would almost certainly end in hilarity and confusion but my gosh it would be cute
garnet reaper ✦
4 months ago
naminé is a gentle sort so he'd take a gentle approach ok ok... he's an adaptable lad
4 months ago
urbaninja I'll say!! By KH standards they might as well be
4 months ago
lumieresdedragon a fine choice! although very likely to go over her head at first.... patience is key
garnet reaper ✦
4 months ago
that's perfectly fine, he can wait...
4 months ago
sometimes the disney half is strong, but it usually does end with a kiss
4 months ago
lumieresdedragon finally five months later she notices........... embarrassing all around really
4 months ago
urbaninja too true... there's just no other way to go about it apparently
garnet reaper ✦
4 months ago
LISTEN... it would be expected at this point after all the self-deprecation he's seen out of her... it's fine
4 months ago
TRUE... the emotional trauma is a little hard to see past sometimes, that's reasonable evidence. and I mean to be fair waiting through that would just be more proof of his being proper boyfriend material... swoonworthy tbh
garnet reaper ✦
4 months ago
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