would any of your characters date pursue any of mine?
latest #10
i'm not sure 'date' is the right word for most of mine... but general idea.
6 months ago
Yes because Norton finds violent men hot and has a terrible sense of self preservation when it comes to his libido.
6 months ago
like, to fight him, for sure lmao
6 months ago
Like...he shouldn't hook up with Collins, but if the opportunity presented itself, he probably would anyway.
Blackletter: you know he thinks Norton is a pussy.
but also. that violence loves a lithe little survivor to torture while he fucks 'em.
6 months ago
possibly next time he'll just be like "...drink?" because fight is good but also alcohol
Alcohol is also good, indeed. Not sure if he could stomach the imp's presence very long without a ton of alcohol tbh. XD
He's a hell of a lot more crass than Butcher ever is.
Ahh, now I see these meta questions and kinda want to do them.
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