1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
Hey guys... I really REALLY hate to do this... but I haven't much choice. My car died and I'm getting dangerously close to losing my job. So, in desperation, here I am to ask for help... details below and please feel free to mute me.
latest #24
1 years ago
My ex helped me set up a Go Fund Me.Help the Capach family get a car and stay employed, ...
1 years ago
So... on the way home, my car shuddered and died on the side of the highway.
Almost $200 in towing and 4 hours later, I get home.
The plan was to have the local mobile mechanic help me get back on the road. He was able to come by the next day and quickly diagnosed the problem as a broken timing belt.
1 years ago
Which wasn't a repair that he was willing to do because it's too easy to fuck up in someone's yard... he urged me to not touch the car and bring it to a larger garage.
I told my father in no uncertain terms to leave my car alone. (My father sees himself as a master mechanic and was very butthurt about me calling the mobile mechanic)
1 years ago
I borrowed my sister's car so I could go to work... and pay the rent I owe her...
At work I arrange a garage and a tow to fix my car.
While I'm at work, my father decides to try to fix my car for me. By pumping her full of ether and trying to start her...
I had to send my car to the garage and hope for the best.
1 years ago
Then a great big snow storm meant that no work was done for a couple days. I was able to borrow a car for a few days... but calling out of work was something that was adding up.

A week after my car broke down, I finally got the update from the mechanic. The head on my engine is blown and would need to be rebuilt. Fucking Awesome.
1 years ago
I can't afford either the repair or the time it would take. My sister is fed up with me using her car and work is writing me up for the days I've already missed.
1 years ago
my plan is to trade in my broken down car and whatever money I can scrape up to get a down-payment for a running car.
Any help I can get is appreciated. I don't like asking for things like this, but I'm backed into a corner that I don't know how to get out of otherwise.
1 years ago
I'm in, not sure if you want this public for replurking or not.
1 years ago
Not sure if you want it shared anywhere else.
1 years ago
1 years ago
msbatty: I'm going to have to break my online privacy policy and make this public so it can be shared around.
1 years ago
1 years ago
MoarCaffeine: Thank you!
1 years ago
Now that this is replurkable hopefully it will help, I've known you since, like 2010? And you've never asked for help with anything, so I know it took a lot for you to put this out there.
1 years ago
msbatty: I hate asking for things.
1 years ago
I know, but everyone needs a little help sometimes.
1 years ago
Once a decade isn't too bad
1 years ago
replurking and bumping
1 years ago
just checking in on this
1 years ago
whelp, GFM is sending me what I was able to get... it will help me at least cover a portion of what I need. Which is much better than what I was facing without it.
1 years ago
That is great
1 years ago
Absolutely! I'm extremely grateful for everyone's help and well wishes
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