latest #30
Any character, any fandom. Doesn't have to be one of my muses.
Mrs. Sheepie
6 months ago
i only know Collins SO :3c
Well I am always happy to talk about Collins. c:
Favorite thing
His music. From the first time we heard him whistling I fell in love. Whistling is something I do quite often and it usually signifies that I'm happy or that I really like a song that's playing. Mom always says "I know you're happy because I heard you whistling." Haha. She's right.
Generally speaking, I love music a whole lot, too. I love a lot of genres of music and enjoy listening to random pieces whenever I can, and I like to have it in the background when I'm doing anything, relaxing or concentrating. I was in band in school and even went for a music major in college before I switched to English/writing major.
So yeah. Instant love. Especially when he came in singing at the beginning of Part 34.
(I mean, I also have a thing for hitmen but shhhhh. I'm crazy. Also Irish accents, cough.)
Least favorite thing
This is hard because I love everything about him. Like, I literally cannot think of a thing I don't enjoy about his character. I even like his other iteration(s). He's such an asshole in TRD. XD
Nope, I've got nothing. I really enjoy putting his little ticks into writing him even.
The closest thing I can think of as a negative besides WHAT KAYNE DID but that's not his character, that's his story arc sob is that I don't think I play him quite to the level of calm and blase that he should have but again that's a writing problem. Specifically a me writing him problem.
(And don't get me wrong, I love emphasizing his anger and emotions he ignores and causing drama otherwise I wouldn't be doing it so much. |D )
Favorite line
I mean I stole his line for his journal name. "I only hear music."
Then there's all the other music lines. "Oh boy do I hear music in my head. And what beautiful music it is."
"Can you hear it? Tha song we're makin'."
"Normally I work in pianissimo. But sometimes, just sometimes, fortissimo is required."
The WHOLE spiel when he explains to Arthur "how" he hears the music in his head. I love ever bit of that. Including the end that isn't (last I checked) in the transcripts because it's beneath Arthur's pleading. "And as tha song swells and tha music builds, I can feel my heart race. Bump bump. Like I'm alive."
"I'm a whisper, lad. An old scratch, a death mask. You have no idea how many I've done. How many more I will." "Call it a gift."
And of course the line I overuse in all my side nonsense ever.
"I am a dog, boyo. A snarling, hungry, wolf-like animal who cannot wait to get his teeth wet."
"Sorry fer tha mess." "Thanks fer listenin'."
...okay I'm done. I'm sorry. (No I'm not. I love him. I also love how he uses all those sayings, too, like the "building castles in the air" "don't the devil send cooks" "may you get to heaven...")
I'd love a story of Detective Noel and Collins having to team up for whatever reason. It would be interesting imo. But also just him and Arthur being not quite friends but working together for Reasons also pleases me. And for much longer since the recent stuff.
Especially "I've got this, confident and sassy" Arthur aka "clever asshole" Arthur and "I'm so exasperated by your shit, Arthur" John aka "STOP FLIRTING WITH HIM, YOU IDIOT" John. Look, there was this one fanfic... and I love it to pieces... and
With Collins just... calm and in control and nothing phases him... and having fun with the both of them.
Anything with Oscar in it. And even more so Larson. Because fuck that and not in the good way, because no.
Random headcanon
He was born in a small town in Ireland and his family emigrated to America when he was around the age of 10. They lived in an Irish community so no loss of accent.
Also, because why not: He was just old enough to participate in WWI at the tail end of the war, and when he got back he decided to go for contract killer as a profession.
Strongly held opinion I have one that fits what usually goes here. idk
Song association
Well, obviously "Peggy Gordon" because canon. But also here's a few:Florence + The Machine - Drumming Song^ I mean... the lyrics speak for themselves?Apashe & Sofiane Pamart - Devil May Cry^ I like the piano/orchestra combined with the electronic music. I listen to this often when writing.
Snake at the Window (feat. Lucy Tops)^ lyrics again because he's gonna get yaRoll Away Your Stone^ because of NealCome Easy Go Easy Love (Remastered 2002)^ also due to canonCASTER - HUNTING SEASON^ and I recently found this and hello how could I not instantly add it to his playlist. RUN.
Did I mention I love music? Sorry, not sorry.
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