latest #102
yesterday i was just haha that's funny they're only missing one and then the event gacha was just we gotchu
biwa wa biwa
6 months ago
fucking wabbits
biwa wa biwa
6 months ago hiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee bnuuy
we're only playing for tomo and hajime. no pulling in gacha ok ok ok
biwa wa biwa
6 months ago
and i have decided to just come to the conclusion the towel from 2015 holiday gacha is the one being used on mayoi. just wow i can't believe gacha is canon and that hajime has had the same towel for ten years ( canned laughter )
looking forward to the new hajime ship
maybe one pull for nazuna. maybe. i haven't pulled in gacha for a while. and i don't need daiya to get by in a tour event... i am weak
remembering it taking three times to pull riding hood nazuna 4☆ though so maybe not. what a bastard
6 months ago
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
6 months ago
Hajime would have the same towel forever
keeping the same towel would be economically sensible...
okay i finally have heard their !! solos. i think i'll listen to them once or twice more before reaching a tentative verdict that'll be subject to change. but. man. the theme felt like putting the key too high for the seiyuu to sing in without sounding like they're kind of struggling. not my favorite theme ngl
rolls around in all these good buns
THERE ARE SO MANY ALL AT ONCE across the span of three different things. the heck
so. going down the track list of rabits !! solos. needless to say they are all different from their ! solos. which isn't necessarily bad. it's good to have variety. so. yeah.
first is tomo-chan because he's leader now. we love that for him. what a class act. if only i could say the same about his song. because. yeah. i don't absolutely really love it. not that it's terrible but it's certainly one that checks off the seiyuu is struggling box
i'm not sure why something about it reminds me of milgram's umbilical. definitely not insinuating anything with that. that's just a random thing
this song. is okay. like. it sounds like... anime idol? and that's fine
but the lyrics. i guess that's what makes me. not like it. because it seems like it's so focused on the you and less on the i as in his first song. i'm sorry that his first solo was just. it was great. i loved the little wild mouse roller coaster of emotions
the lyrics to this just. i feel it encapsulates his writing over the past four years. it doesn't tell me anything. and i do understand that he's an idol and into idol culture and gratitude to the fans/you is a very important element. it just doesn't feel like anything to me here
it refers to the stage but it's just. stage. like. centre of the theatre felt like it'd idk entail other little things. but. again. it just encapsulates tomoya's writing as of lately. they haven't bothered to do anything with his interest for acting at all. they might just mention it that oh yeah he's wataru's disciple or whatever but
they just tell. they don't show
tomoya hasn't had anything to fucking do
and this song just reminds me of that. so. the song itself is okay but i wish i just only listened to it and kept it at that because i'm honestly kind of fucking frustrated
second on the tracklist is nazuna's
it just feels like surprising thanks!! cousin. so. just go listen to that instead i guess
i hate hearing this guy flub notes that i'm pretty sure he should be able to hit. but that's always a thing. is it... on purpose? what is the mixing on these songs? why is this four and a half minutes long??
i remember fearing back for his first solo but it wasn't terrible. funny enough it was similar length but it also didn't feel so goddamn long
the lyrics are whatever. like. anyone could sing this. this doesn't feel like niichan cheering squad where it's just. yeah that's totally nazuna! it's just fluff that... doesn't mean anything. hopping on the music notes! isn't terrible because it doesn't make me angry like tomoya's. i guess at this point the less meaningful content for nazuna the better
i paid for this album. so. like. i think i had faith. i don't go in ready to absolutely hate !! content. i am hoping the keito + nazuna gacha has some good stuff in it because i've wanted to see the two interact for realsies. not to say they hadn't but that was all fleeting. the summary is about them. so i am just! yes! please!
so i am not thrilled not loving rabits songs. it actually kind of fucking bums me out
next is mitsuru's. kobayashi hasn't recorded for this yet so i'm referring to ikeda in this case. it... does have me curious how well the rerecording will be, i'm assuming there's gonna be one?, since mitsuru's voice is pretty low starting out
there isn't much to say about it. it's fine. it's much easier to sit through than the first two. the whole concept is pretty much similar to his first solo minus the whole sounding like a sports anime op. super space star☆ is fine. it also might be one of the few !! mitsuru content to not feature bread. so. that's great
but i guess that's setting the bar kind of low
and last. but certainly not least! like on the first album, hajime is the last solo!
it sounds like something. actually mitsuru's also sounded like something? just. can't put my finger on it
and, funny enough, it's like mitsuru's in terms of the let's keep going ahead. but instead of going to the stars it's got an art theme to it. which is fine
happy coming*tea time was very much just fluff too. i think the hook was just a bit catchier. but. like. y'know
this song also can join mitsuru in the. this is fine. like. it doesn't make me mad. there's not much to get mad about. this song being so different in the focus from his first solo is a reminder that if anyone in this unit has had character growth it's hajime
which. okay. maybe that's a reason to get mad ahahaha
but at least not all of rabits has had to suffer questionable writing. one got off okay
i do wonder about the mixing. like. maybe i just really need to get my ears professionally cleaned. but i just wonder why the places with harmonies it just sounds... jpeg-y? like. compressed?
because the songs just sound like that and aren't a result of being uploaded on the internet
so. tldr. the songs are all fine. not great. not terrible. fine. and. that's fine i guess. tomoya's indirectly is a source of rage but what can you do
i guess ranking them would go mitsuru, hajime, nazuna, tomoya
no fuck that mitsuru, hajime, tomoya, nazuna. tomoya's makes me mad but i wouldn't have been none the wiser if i didn't go digging around. nazuna's is a minute longer than everyone else's for no reason and it's just ugh
1. mitsuru
2. hajime
4. nazuna & tomoya
problem solved
court dismissed. bring in the dancing lobsters
anyway the bnuuy they be a comin. consider this the bnuuy live plurk for the next two weeks
風雅なおと(NAOTO FUUGA/NAOTO FUGA)SINGER (@fuganaoto) on ...and happy birthday to kaito. not related at all but it has to be mentioned because i think fuuga naoto's love for him just grows strong by the year
6 months ago
this man better not betray me because that'd really fucking hurt
also i'm sorry keru please look away from my negativity your eyes need to be protected at all cost
6 months ago
good news is that i bloomed some cards
yes it took me over a year to bloom that tomoya. which i unbloomed because i do just like the hanglider more since it's funny
honestly i should have waited for his birthday since i put it off for so long. could have saved some gems
i didn't even get his climax 5*. just. man. tomoya. i am so sorry my guy. i have failed you left and right and all over
robin 🩷
6 months ago
niichan i know i insulted everything you're about. but please come home
and thank y'all for coming. if you made it this far. well. state what you wish for emotional compensation and maybe i can make it happen
he did the thing with his weird hands
and i managed to do the bare minimum! happy valentine's!
ngl it is kind of annoying now that enstars doesn't take place at yumenosaki anymore that it feels like everything that was originally important is just brushed off. like rabits not wanting to do a big thing because nazuna isn't there
isn't the point of chocofes to give back to the fans???? like???? this ain't about aww we're sad niichan can't be here. i mean i get that it'd be disappointing for some fans but this isn't about that and more about the other rabits missing him
make it make sense i am so tired
nazuna freaks out over a straw. how stupid are you. well stupid enough because i also write you stupid. but you hold hands with people and shit
and keito comments on his face and yeah ok we doing this shtick. he at least doesn't tell nazuna he's pretty or cute so yay
nazuna confirmed to be a glutton for food which is no surprise. no wonder he feels bad doing it for the cookies because he acts so unhinged over sweets christ
rei spends the whole time rubbernecking keito's struggles
keito telling nazuna about the lore of valentine commercialism and nazuna being ok but SwEeTs is valid. nazuna continuing to be a basic bitch and his fave being strawberry is also valid
even though it's raspberry or sea salt caramel that are actually way better but it's fine i'm just an old bitter lady now
and so we play enstars
i have spent the last five hours playing enstars and the app randomly closed so maybe it's time to take a break...
i've only gotten 122 lives done out of the 300 i need for hajime
bloomed so many 3* as well. been fairly productive
characters are supposedly going to get updated height in april
as horrible as it is i hope nazuna just stays the same. like. i plead for him to get taller but the fact he's been the same height since sixteen is kind of too funny so i'd rather him just suffer for the rest of his life
besides. if i have to be 160cm so should he. i didn't fucking ask to shrink
i've read about people getting surgery to try to help their scoliosis and some people gain quite a few good inches and i'm just wow that could be me
do you ever remember that eccentric party night is a bop and disturb the peace by horribly dancing in the living room with your cat or are you normal五奇人「Eccentric Party Night!!」あんさんぶるスターズ!! Music ゲームサイ...
and we keep chugging along
now at 169. i need a strategy to make sure i get this damn hajime without using daiya. i think just playing the weaker lives will be the more sensible route since they use less LP. probably means i won't get mayoi but maybe enstars should be giving me more sandwiches for my AP so i can level up more regularly
as always i gotta pull in the limited akatsuki gacha because that's the only time kuro will come home
the pattern tends to be getting kuro, multiples of souma and none of keito
sorry danna...
ah yes my favorite enstars song
i didn't like it...
well. i'll admit. i'm still in the middle of reading this story. and. it's rough
it is seriously rough that i've gotten mad a couple times and i am only ten chapters in. which. is probably very insane because it's just gacha
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