will someone let Collins into the Enclosure? He just wants to chill. Now with open log Fixed!
latest #35
8 months ago
Sheehan would!
Lady Stardust
8 months ago
Iris is happy to
Ya'll are dolls, thank you.
waningsunflower: speaking of Sheehan, I am hankerin' for a thread with him somethin' fierce.
8 months ago
I'm up for it!
I am aiming to put up a catch all log for Collins today if you're intetested. :3
8 months ago
Absolutely! I'll be on it!
I look forward to seeing where it goes this time.
There is potential for juicy but it depends on whether Collins chills with Sheehan or gets immediately upset, as he do.
8 months ago
Sheehan's in a weird headspace, too. Arthur dropped the "I love you" bomb on him AND he had a huge breakthrough/fight with his inmate, so it can go any place!
Oh god! That's a Lot.
come do violence with him. that will earn brownie points
Sheehan not the type lol but Collins can dream. XD
Probably a bad time to bring up JD from the circus as a point of tension for Collins right now.... :3
(Which sounds like a good time >X3
8 months ago
Perfect timing! And Sheehan has never done a violence in his life (I mean...aside from WW2) and considered banging really hard on his inmate's door as being a little overly aggressive
8 months ago
I'm interested to see what happens with Ulla and Collins after their current talk
I think Collins will always call her 'witch' and have a bit of a chip on his shoulder towards her, but her past is interesting and he's chilling a bit
And here is a log for Collins!
Random shit, mostly passive unless someone comes to change things up for him, around the Barge. He's doing research into modern times (guns) and relaxing and thinking about stupid recent shit that's on his mind.
waningsunflower: got it out on break! but whenever you've got time, no rush ofc
I'm back off to work but I'll be ready for tags after work, aww yeah!
8 months ago
you caught me on a short break as I attempted to scrape together brain cells for work
8 months ago
The system I used to do like...95% of my work is down right now, so I'm plucking away on a response while I wait for it to come back!
Niiice. Take that, work! What you get for failing. Lol
/squints. Too hurry, much wrong? Is that the network community, I have no idea. Will have to fix when I get home.
Will copy paste everything so it can be fixed.
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