1 years ago
had a video call straight from the frontlines in southern ukraine today, with a soldier I know. He showed me his dugout, the view from it, I greeted the two other soldiers sharing it with him and he pointed at the position of the Russians in the horizon.
1 years ago
Last year I collected money to help him buy food for the animals people abandoned when they fled and then I collected money for an Ecoflow power station for his unit. Days after they got it, their safe house was hit by artillery and everything was destroyed. I could have cried at that timing. It took nearly a week to collect all the money by myself.
1 years ago
He's been fighting for two years and half the time he isn't even getting paid properly or being provided the basic necessities western armies would take for granted. And he would still cook for and feed abandoned animals on his rotations from the front too.
1 years ago
Last year when I helped him because no one else would he was starting to really lose hope, but he's still fighting on, living in a hole in the ground with other guys like him for hardly any pay.
1 years ago