february | https://images.plurk.com/41ylD72NCRXIYJsJm60sG9.png
latest #29
january was not a great month for me friends but time waits for no man.
cat lady
7 months ago
i hope your february is better ♥
i was sick or trapped in an ice storm most of the month, so in theory it shouldn't be hard.
i made swamp soup the other day and it was/is delicious, but next time i make it i'm gonna freeze the leftovers.
i got a pressure cooker for christmas and i've been using it to make broth and up my soup game.
https://images.plurk.com/6dEBB7cAFLXgKfAyqhBE3a.jpg https://images.plurk.com/4G8rlISNGFd05xf3kAZt1k.jpg
we must admit, however, that the babe has been extremely round.
this is where i sit but whenever i get up to get water &c return i find her in the chair.
anyway big chore day today, including: moving my bed, the worst.
everytime i move my furniture i say: this will be the last time, but at this point i know it won't and i accept that.
cat lady
7 months ago
so true.
7 months ago
alex I want you to know I thought of you when I saw DragonCon has booked Dos Santos as a guest. because you're the only comics person I know who names names
good news: i have gotten a lot of my cleaning/purging/rearranging done and it's made a big difference.
i was sort of halfway through the project when i got sick, and it was like… the visual representation of my, hmmm, i don't want to say failure, but definitely my apartment was too cluttered from half-done projects and then just mess from being sick and falling behind on chores.
and now that is finally going away it feels so much nicer.
bad news: i've been getting headaches and i haven't gotten headaches in years. they aren't serious but i'd prefer they go away. apparently this is a not-unheard of post-covid symptom.
good news: https://images.plurk.com/7cYG8iHoG3AjiRigqhheRK.png
look at my beautiful shield
new blazer day
abigail also in top form:
https://images.plurk.com/2f03QIdXv29LfheCrhDIaV.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2TD3HA6c8SOr0AI9cxJmmL.jpg
beware the ides
7 months ago
gasp, a blep
OH NO sweet angel
red wolf
7 months ago
excellent abigails
a cursed bird.
7 months ago
this is her moment.
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