r e i n v e n t
7 months ago @Edit 7 months ago
( sale: oracle card reading ) THIS SALE IS CLOSED
latest #22
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
so, this one is a bit different. figured new year, try something a bit new. usually i do one card pulls to get used to decks, but i don't have any new decks or ones i'm feeling particularly drawn to in that way, so i thought i'd mix things up a bit.
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
- -- Please note that these readings should not replace medical, financial or legal advice and should be viewed as for entertainment purposes only as stated by law.
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
now that bit is out of the way, what i'm offering here is a 3 card draw with my go to deck. i can do things a couple of ways. regardless, i won't be posting up people's deets in the plurk since this is a more in depth thing.
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
what i'll do is my typical private plurk to get deets for invoicing and such, and then i can either do the reading in the plurk, complete with pictures and descriptions or very much the same only via email if that's what you'd prefer, i honestly don't mind either.
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
the price for these is going to be $10 per reading.
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
i'll detail it again if there are any takers, but the only things i'll need from you are:
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
- -- a short description of your situation.
- -- whatever question you have regarding that situation. direct questions are best, but vague ones aren't deal breakers.
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
as to the deck i'm using, it's my most loved and first bought.
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/76HZOFYtsZQ7MteF5U4mPZ.jpg https://images.plurk.com/20Bfdzc1bBQzKs07jgge6q.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2YZ2oB0heQK32CbMF7ZSRQ.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6pnh7UPfkWtAEnTl1LcsbF.jpg
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
i don't mind comments or thoughts or replurks on here, but if you are looking to have a reading done, please don't post up the question here
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
and if this is something that y'all like, i'll consider doing it more often when i've got time off.
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
everything should be open for commenting now
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
i'm really digging in on my overall divination skills this year. feels good, feels right. even got some books to read on birth charts and such
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
but we'll see how that goes later on once i can dig into them.
I'd like to get one!
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
theasaurus: absolutely, i'll message you soon!
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
consider this an evening bump!
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
giving this a morning bump, i'll get to any responses after i'm awake again.
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
giving this one a bump
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
morning bump!
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
evening bump!
r e i n v e n t
7 months ago
closing this
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