5 months ago
Deity concept: The Doubted.

Even the core pantheon of the universe is loathe to even consider the possibility of their existence, let alone power. A god derives their potency from the believe and worship of their faithful; how could something divine persist if their domain is exclusively disbelief?
5 months ago
their name, if they even have one, is invoked more in irony than in praise or desperation... for what wisdom exists, in relying upon a deity whose entire ethos is based upon doubt?
5 months ago
and yet, they persist, in the shadows, the silent moments, the dark corners of the mind, where they whisper a simple mantra into the hearts of every living soul... "are you sure about that?"
5 months ago
perhaps ironically, they find their greatest allies in houses of academia, where revealing new, deeper truths often involves questioning old, "established" facts. Alchemists, Artificers, Arcanists, and other scholars welcome a philosophy of doubt, and thus the Doubter themself.
5 months ago
it's unclear what their true name is, if they even have one, or if they adhere to any gender construct at all. Ambiguity is all they present, to those who can embrace their idiosyncratic nature.