as me my top five anything?
latest #34
jenni's 🎃
9 months ago
top five nazuna outfits
lila ☆
9 months ago
potato dishes
that's difficult because most of them are ugly
jenni's 🎃
9 months ago
jenni's 🎃
9 months ago
top 5 ugliest nazuna outfits
divineshark LAUGHS cries i don't exactly like potatoes i am trying to think of five things in general with potatoes to list
sparklepire well they're all ugly so there you go
lila ☆
9 months ago
AHAHA I'm sorry, it was the first thing to come to mind
lila ☆
9 months ago
You can do bread instead
NO THAT'S SO FUNNY THOUGH i was just. damn. if this were a quiz show i'd be eliminated
nazuna outfits
for the sake of my own sanity i narrowed it down to outfits that are shown on a card in the JP version. so that means no second cd, no merch collabs, no global music, no outfits that are exclusively shown in story. just. thinking about merch was having me sweat because there's some cute stuff out there. and the order is of card release!
jenni's 🎃
9 months ago
the range this boy has
xq is ugly
9 months ago
Top five Disney songs! Just kidding I meant bottom five Disney songs.
cinnamon roll, brioche, cornbread, kaiser roll, pumpkin bread!
ugliest nazuna outfits
same rules apply
fimbulvetr ok do you actually mean bottom five?
ꪻꪮ᭙ꪖ 🫧
9 months ago
the outfit that never leaves my brain
lila ☆
9 months ago
Kaiser rolls are under-appreciated, I respect this. Best sandwich bread imo
guessmonster taking up waaaay too much brain space since may 24th 2022
ꪻꪮ᭙ꪖ 🫧
9 months ago
XD it's just so gooooood
divineshark i'm an animal and can eat those by themselves. used to do that whenever i'd go up to jersey. super glad you have kaiser roll appreciation. you get it!
lila ☆
9 months ago
I do!!
me acting surprised every time i waste brain cells on hoppin hype nazuna
xq is ugly
8 months ago
Surprise me!
biwa wa biwa
8 months ago
top five ship dynamics.
bottom disney songs
picking strictly from animated classics to make it easier. and didn't bother to include songs that i never encounter in the wild though some of those are just yeesh. these are more of something along the lines of "oh god this song is playing and i'd pay never to hear it again" that i've experienced within the last couple of months
- hakuna matata
- in summer
- son of man
- why should i worry
which i realize is only four. i am torn between a spot. part of me wants to give it to fathoms below. which isn't fair because i don't think it's bad. it's just hearing the first second sends me into fight or flight because that means the one movie is starting and i need to get out of here!!
wait. nope. i lied. i have to give it to a non animated classic. though there is animation in the movie. i am so sick of zip a dee doo dah. i think that's a consequence of binging parade soundtracks. so. there ya go
bobamochi not me pretending like i'm totally not searching up what dynamics exist because the only thing in my head is an empty hamster wheel
xq is ugly
8 months ago
Friendship ended over zip a dee do dah.
xq is ugly
8 months ago
Can't believe you like can you feel the love tonight more than those songs. Although I'll give you son of man.
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