5 months ago
says So most of the kittehs seem to have forgiven me for "disappearing" for five days. However, we're not quite as the same level of snuggliness as before the trip. Arya, for example, has not yet ottered since I got back. She has perched, demanded, flipped, and followed...but not done my favorite.
5 months ago
says And by "ottered," I mean perched on my chest, laid down, and then rolled herself into the crook of my arm, nestling with her paws in the air and purring like a contented otter. It's a move I've only ever seen this cat do.
5 months ago
says I've had many cats snuggle in the crook of my arm, but Arya's taken it to a new level of Twainian drama.
5 months ago
5 months ago
if they get fed while you are away?
5 months ago
says lemongrass - My wife watches the kittehs when I travel, as I do when she travels. We don't usually travel together, unless we can find someone we trust to take care of the little darlings while we're away. (Thinking back, that hasn't happened very often.)