brave vespaeria
5 months ago
btw yen press currently doesn't have the rights to distribute any of their disney rights, so if there are any novels or manga you'd been thinking about getting you may want to do so before the price hikes up
latest #7
brave vespaeria
5 months ago
rights dropped in sept apparently - went looking for kh3's manga and found it was already out of stock in a few places
5 months ago
oh shoot, does that mean the KH manga/novels are discontinued again?
5 months ago
yeah theyre currently out of print now i believe
brave vespaeria
5 months ago
yeah 😔 i found an email on a w.i.t.c.h. subreddit where they confirmed it for all their disney stuff
brave vespaeria
5 months ago
no idea if they plan on getting it back
5 months ago
oh no, really? i need to try and finish collecting then. im missing a lot of the more recent stuff
5 months ago
i'm actually surprised with how popular of a brand it is
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