rlly good brain
9 months ago
/slaps cheeks Okay I have got to get myself in gear here.
latest #32
rlly good brain
9 months ago
My tagging speed has been atrocious lately and I have some threads I really need to get back to.
rlly good brain
9 months ago
Debating whether I should top-level Yang at Blake and Essek's Black Hole Extravaganza or just tag-out.
rlly good brain
9 months ago
Also if anybody wanted a thread with Yang at the December event I'm down for that too. The month just flew by me.
Mewberries: Maybe not the event, but Willow has a backdated post about getting her magic back
If Yang still needs help keeping a certain rose alive
.....I don’t know why I tagged you in Tour your own plurk? Sorry!
rlly good brain
9 months ago
usamichan13 Lol no worries! And aaa good for Willow! Yang was able to get her rose stabilized thanks to Night Sky but the sudden blizzard might have her nervous about it.
rlly good brain
9 months ago
She'd probably feel bad about asking Willow to come out in a blizzard though. XD
Well the post is set during the last week of December, before the blizzard. So if the cold weather still makes her nervous we could try something
rlly good brain
9 months ago
Ah! My bad! I didn't realize how far back-dated it was.
rlly good brain
9 months ago
elfwife LOL no that's good to know. Yang wouldn't have known either way but she'd definitely be looking at this blizzard like, "Welp."
rlly good brain
9 months ago
ROFL Yang just like, "COOL. So long as it doesn't reincarnate in the stupidest manner possible or become evil somehow, I'm fine with this."
rlly good brain
9 months ago
"Nothing. Never mind." :-)
✘ The Mad Queen
9 months ago
I don't even go here at least not yet but don't jinx it becoming evil somehow or something, Yangster!
rlly good brain
9 months ago
Immortality in RWBY-verse is the most double-edged sworded thing ever and it cracks me up every time.
rlly good brain
9 months ago
Would you rather, "Live forever but literally be unable to die no matter how much you want to" or "Be able to die but forcibly reincarnate via soul bond with like-minded individuals every time you do and slowly overtake their will."
rlly good brain
9 months ago @Edit 9 months ago
Anyway, I love that Yang has an immortal dragon-gifted, dryad-blessed rose now, good for her.
But yeah, if Night Sky took care of it, then no worries
rlly good brain
9 months ago
usamichan13 Yeah! I did just notice that Willow's at Blake and Essek's Hadron Collider event though so we could totally have her and Yang thread there if you'd like.
Yeah, that sounds good!
hadron collider event aksdjakls
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