yea, dont stop LOVING HIM! haha
km lah gary ! pura2 bego ! hahhaha
hahahaha , emg drimu
loh" loh" kok gk nyambung?
zzzzzzzzzz jelek kali lah gary
i mean i won't tell u anything again
gpp ko gar, my lips are sealed :| haha
your lips are but not mbak lips
semuaa meh ? mana adaa ! rahasia yg kubocorin cmn rahasianya puts yak !
hahaa, yeaa
husss! stop fighting!
hha yda" tpi aku kurang yakin xD
nggak. mau ak ksi tw km sk sypa?
ok then tell tell everyone and i won't ever tell u anything anymore...
weeeew. kjaam -
_____- ga nyngka!
ayuunadhiia gpp kita bales aja nnti
dun care coba aj ampe 1 org tw langsung aku gk ksi tw spa" lagi
maaaaaaaak, marah dyaa, ngeriiiiiiiii ! ampuun ampuuuun
yauda mampus . yg ptng ak jmbak km bsok
guava stuju! tp gpp lah, kan gayry calon pacar ayu
*no offense omi*
cpd kok aku calonnya sih? gk ccok banget
ngapain ak ma gay , ga bangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
spa juga mw ma mbak kardus penjambak rambut yg membawa nama" org innocent
eaaaaaaaaaaaak, innocent . tp dibelakang mana innocent ! wkwkwk
hahaha, future couples in action! haha
u and apple are future couples
if we are future couples, i am happy
haha, oh ya yuu, "she" hates me because apple change becouse of me. he actually didnt change!
some guy
ya and durian is ayu xD wkakka
depend, lo suka durian nga?
oh gituu, jgn bohong dong gar. haha
astaga naga demi durhaka aku gk suka ma dy
wew -,- beneran, jgn bohong. munkin loo nga tau tp deeep deep deeep deeep donw inside your hay heart, lo suka sm dia
deep deep down inside my butt
nga lah, DEEP DEEP DEEP DEEP YOUR HEART SO SUKA SM AYU! liat aja, pasti lo sakit hati klo lo tau siapa sia suka!
sia? ckkck tulis aj gk isa cpd deep deep deep deep inside my butt your head i don't like her ok?
DEEP WITHIN EACH HEART, THERE LIES A MAGIC SPARK.hahahahhaaa, cieeee. future couplee. *suiiittt suiiiiittt*!
naomi : ikutan! its fun (y)
nahohme: pls jgn gk aku salahin niro
jgn bawa" org innocent (and not gay) kyk niro deh -__-
kan saiaa sudah blg sama andaa, guava ~ yg di sci itu lho ~
niro innocent swit" btw i am innocent too xD
manada?! you're innocent in hong kong kali!
hha aku emg innocent bukan dri hongkong xD
manada innocent -__- udh bohong, gay lg -__- ckckckck
nahohme : naoooooooo, plurk ini utk diaa yak ?
ayuunadhiia bukaan. hehe =p another guy, which is why i moved on to that guy
msa bkn utk dy ?
ywda aku gk ngeplurk lagi disini xD
yea go, shoo shoo