Veronica says
15 years ago
I bought everything for my new computer today, excluding the graphics card. Woo!
latest #10
Veronica says
15 years ago
Hopefully, though, I'll be getting a graphics card tomorrow. If I'm lucky.
15 years ago
:-D Have fun with that stuff. :-))
Veronica says
15 years ago
:-D Thanks. There's not much I can do with it now, except for look at it, though, unfortunately. But it still makes me happy to have it. :-D
Veronica says
15 years ago
I should have it all ready and working, hopefully, by the end of the week. But might take another week or so until I get around to getting
Veronica says
15 years ago
a wireless card or cable for internet use. But oh well. XD
Angela says
15 years ago
Did you buy a motherboard yet? [/out of the blue]
15 years ago
You've got to take pictures when your brother finishes constructing it. :-D
Veronica says
15 years ago
normalflu: Well, yeah. I think the motherboard comes under the "everything but graphics card" category. :-P
Veronica says
15 years ago
And I will. I'm also thinking of getting Windows 7, too. It doesn't cost all that much, and if I don't like it, I can always go to XP. :-P
Veronica says
15 years ago
I saw some video reviews, and it looks interesting, imo.
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